Chapter 31

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I stepped out of the Bifrost and winced at the pain in my abdomen. Thor wrapped an arm around my shoulders in an attempt to comfort me. I smiled weakly at him and allowed him to escort me to my room. We somehow didn't meet anyone on the way, which surprised both of us.

"Where is everyone?" Loki asked. I shrugged my shoulders and unlocked my room, only to find that my bed had an intruder.

"Hey honey!" Clint greeted with a smile. I mumbled a greeting in return, and ran to my bathroom. I puked my guts out once again.

"That's probably from the trip here." Frigga said soothingly, holding my hair back.

"Whoah, what's wrong with Aubri?" Clint asked, standing awkwardly in the bathroom doorway.

"She is pregnant and just took a trip on the Bifrost. It is a simple case of motion sickness." Frigga said. Clint's face paled at her words.

"P pregnant?" He stuttered.

"Yes. With Thor's children." Frigga answered. Loki made a sound like a cat getting squished. We all looked at him, just a tiny bit confused.

"Is something wrong?" Thor asked his little brother.

"Just the really loud curse word I want to say." He replied. Frigga raised an eyebrow at him, almost as if warning him. "Don't worry mother, I won't say it."

"Good, because you aren't too old for your mouth to be washed out with goat piss." Frigga warned.

"Goat piss? I don't think we have that here." Clint chuckled nervously.

"Duh. He'd get vinegar instead." I grumbled as I stood up. "Hey honey." I said, patting Clint's chest.

"Hey. Um, so is that why you left the tower in a hurry?" Clint asked me, leading me to my sitting room couch.

"Yes, and no. We left for Asgard because Odin is a dickhead. Sorry not sorry your majesty." I said, turning to Frigga with a shrug.

"It is alright, but only in this occasion. Now, who is your healer?" She asked us all. Loki was about to raise his hand when I spoke.

"We should probably call my grandpa Carlisle. He was there when Bella had Renesme." I explained. "Her daughter was half-vampire too."

"Then that's exactly what we are going to do. Call him up please." Frigga said.

"Um, before you go downstairs..." Clint started before he got interrupted by a golden sparkly circle. I looked at it in curiosity and nearly screamed when a man walked through. "He is a thing." Clint finished.

"Hello, my name is Doctor Stange Steven. I mean Dr. Steven. I mean, Steven Strange." He stuttered, closing his circle with a flourish. I raised an eyebrow at yet another soulmate bond.
"Apologies. I'm normally only like that around Christine. Well, I was. I should stop spilling my secrets." He rambled.

"Okay... well, let's go downstairs and send a bird to your grandfather." Frigga said calmly.

"We don't do that here. We actually just call them on technology. Here, I'll call him." I explained.

"Wait, Nessie doesn't get periods?" I asked incredulously.

"Yes, she doesn't get her cycle. Now, why are you asking?" Carlisle replied.

"Um, I mighta sorta got pregnant." I muttered with an intense blush.

"Wait, for real! That is so exciting!" Mom squealed.

"Yeah, but, I was thinking, maybe Carslisle could come out and check up on me? I have a professional Asgardian healer who wants to meet with you and discuss times and all of that." I said.

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