Chapter 25

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"I don't give a fuck about what he says. I don't know why we don't just kill him now!" Loki yelled.
"Because we need him if Aubri wakes up!" Steve countered. 
"Why are you two arguing at this ungodly hour?" I complained loudly. They both looked at me in surprise. Clint rolled his eyes at the two.
"It's technically nine-thirty in the morning, not ungodly. You passed out for an entire three days." He explained. I frowned at him.
"Why?" I asked him.
"Because a vampire gave you your memories back, and Loki is ready to murder him." He said, pointing to Hulk's cell. I saw Aro sitting there, doing nothing. 
"Why? Aro's a good guy. Most of the time." I told everyone. 
"But, but, but. I wanted to stab him!" Loki whined.
"I don't care. You can find someone else to take out your murderous tendencies elsewhere. You don't go murdering people on Midgard. EVER!" I scolded. He pouted and crossed his arms.
"What did you want Aro?" I asked the pale vampire.
"To apologize. I didn't realize what he had done to you until very recently. These heroes saving you opened Marcus's and my eyes. Caius has been executed for harming you." 
"Wow, okay. I guess. I don't know what else to say."  I told him. I walked back down the hall and knocked on Bucky's door. He didn't answer, so I snuck in and saw him sleeping peacefully. I tapped him twice to let him know I was there and snuggled up with him. The cool of his metal arm helped soothe me and he was a hotbox. He rolled over and held me closer to him.
"What did you need?" He asked me.
"Nothing much. Just needed to get away. They all know better than to bother you." Steve walked in without knocking. "Except Steve," I added. He snuggled into my other side and sat there. 
"Sorry for what happened out there. Figured I would find you here. Or, I could just have Buck find you." He apologized. I smiled and fell asleep with them protecting me. 

I woke up surrounded by heat. I carefully disentangled myself from the two supersoldiers and walked to the bathroom. I frowned when I smelled blood. My frown only deepened when I realized I was on my period. I didn't get it often, so I hadn't planned for this. I trudged my way over to Wanda's room to see if she had any pads. I knocked on her door, and she was there in an instant. 
"Aubri! What a pleasant surprise! What can I help you with?" She greeted me with a smile. 
"Do you have any, um, feminine hygiene products?" I asked her sheepishly. Her smile quickly disappeared and she frowned. 
"No, Hydra had mine and Natasha's tubes tied. I don't think we have any in the tower because of it. Why? Do you have that problem? Why hasn't it bothered you before?" She asked me worriedly. I shrugged and put my hands in my pockets.
"I always figured that as I matured as a vampire, it would just disappear. I haven't had one for almost forty years." I explained. She looked surprised and knocked three times on her wall. Nat was over in an instant. I raised an eyebrow at the two of them. 
"For when we have nightmares," Wanda explained. Nat nodded.
"And for when Tin Can is bad." She added.
"Bro! I know you have boyfriends, well, not you Nat. I'm just teasing. My sister and I always did that." I said with a giggle. 
"What did you need?" Nat asked me.
"WE need to go shopping. As Females." Wanda said, obviously indicating what we need as Steve walked by. He rolled his eyes at us and didn't understand what the big deal was.
"Females," he muttered. Bucky eyed us suspiciously, but didn't say anything. 
"Okay, so, let's go!" Nat said. She brought us to the nearest Wallgreens first. We got what I needed and then we went to Ben and Jerry's. I tried the Iron Man-inspired flavor and decided it was chalky. I also tried the Hulk-inspired flavor and decided it was superior. Nat and Wanda laughed at my antics. We also went and bought some new movies and cute clothes. We decided on Red Robin for lunch and we might have spent a lot of Tony's money. When we returned, everyone was freaking out.

"What is going on here?" Nat yelled in her big scary voice. Everyone stopped.
"Yeah, why?" Wanda asked.
"We forgot to tell them you went shopping this morning. So, yeah." Steve said with a grin. 
"You forgot conveniently, mind of steel." I joked. Steve looked at me with a grin. 
"Miss Aubri, are you feeling better?" Vision asked me. I glared at him.
"Traitor. You promised you wouldn't tell." He smirked. 
"I didn't. You did." He said with a laugh. I glared some more.
"Wait, what! You weren't feeling good?!" Tony yelled. Steve looked alarmed as well. 
"I'm fine," I said with a huff. "Now, I'm off to binge-watch stupid shows on Netflix with Wanda and Nat. Do not bother us." I stated, stomping away.
"If I didn't know better, I would say she was on her period," Clint whispered to Thor.
"I HEARD THAT!" I yelled back. Nat glared at him and he was very confused. 

We are almost there! I apologize for the shorter chapter, but we have started my next Aubri character development arc!!!!! I'm super excited to do this because it has never happened before! Now before you ask, next chapter will explain if Aubri can get pregnant or not. So just you wait and see! 
Aubree Out! 


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