Chapter 20

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Aubri's P.O.V.

I looked at the man in front of me. He was warm, familiar, and kind. I jumped in his lap and he smiled at me. I purred when he stroked my fur. A loud man who was dressed in some sort of metal gaped at me in confusion. I preened myself, not really caring. Someone came up and tried to touch me. I jumped up, whipped around, at bit his hand.
"Owch! Aubri, what did I do to you?" He yelled. I flattened my ears against my head and hissed. The man who was nice to me stroked my fur and whispered something in a language I didn't understand. With a quick spell, he had cat ears and a tail. I looked at him, intrigued. 
"Now I should be able to understand you." He said in cat. I looked at him with wide eyes. 
"How did you do that? Who are all these people? Who are you? Is my name Aubri? Why is my body so sore? Is there any food in this place? Why are you looking at me funny? Is there something in my fur?" I rambled. He laughed and booped my nose to get me to be quiet. 
"You look stunning. I am Loki, the god of trickery and lies. All of us on this jet means you no harm. Your name is Aubri and yes, we have food." He told me.
"What are you saying? And where did you get cat ears from?" The metal man asked. Loki laughed at something I didn't understand.
"I can hear your thoughts, love." He whispered. I glared at him and jumped down. I walked to the front of the jet and sat in the cockpit next to a redheaded lady. She seemed nice enough, so I sat there and watched her. She pushed buttons and we slowly landed at a giant tower. I stood up and carefully walked across the dash and avoided all the buttons to look out the window. The red-haired lady held her hand out to me. I booped her finger with my nose and granted her permission to pick me up. She cooed at me in another language I didn't understand. I sat in her arms and purred, loving the attention. She brought me inside, and I immediately ran away. I zoomed around, smelling everything, finding all the hiding spots, hacking an A.I. When I returned to where the group was, they seemed sad. I curled around Loki's legs and he gently picked me up. He stroked my head absentmindedly while the team talked about me. I knew this because I had heard my name multiple times. The metal man, who wasn't made of metal, unfortunately, looked ready to cry. I carefully walked over on the table and sat in front of him. He was playing with something in his hands, so I carefully batted it. He smiled, so I did it again, and pretty soon, I was at war with the ponytail. 

"YOU FOUND HER!" A young boy yelled as he ran into the room. I yowled and hid under Loki's chair. He walked over and started talking animatedly to the metal man. I peeked out from my hiding spot and saw large brown eyes staring at me. I shrunk away in fear. "Hush, love. I won't hurt you." He said quietly. I carefully came out of hiding and sniffed his hand. My tail bushed up and I hissed at him. He didn't smell right. The boy looked sad, but I ran over to my red-haired friend. She was laughing at the boy. 
"It's alright, Peter. Give her time." The metal man said.
"I understand Mr. Stark. I just missed her... Crap! I told MJ she was back!" He yelled. 
"What did you say?" My friend asked, standing up. I glared at her from the spot on the floor where I fell. I streaked over to Loki and hopped into his lap. I carefully climbed onto his shoulder and sat there. 
"Miss Natasha. MJ is my best friend! I couldn't not tell her where I was spider-manning off to without her following me! She will kill me! And don't think I'm lying!" He said, backing away. I secretly cheered miss Natasha on. Loki looked at me and I batted his ear. 
"Aubri! SaVe Me!" Peter yelled at me. I slinked over and pounced on one of his feet. He fell to the floor and I sat on his chest, looking at Miss Natasha while being pleased with myself. "No fair! An assassin and a..." Mr. Stark put his hand over Peter's mouth. 
"Not a single mention of the V word will be said in Aubri's presence. Understand?" He said. Peter nodded and I climbed off of him. My tummy growled and I looked at Loki expectantly. 
"Our little kitty is hungry. I am off to find her something to eat." He announced. We walked over to the kitchen, where I was very helpful by pushing buttons and causing mischief. Loki glared at me when he took something out of the microwave. "Fish sticks." He said. I looked at the misshapen fries on the plate. I sniffed it and walked away. "What am I supposed to give you?" He asked. I sniffed around until I found the fridge. I opened it with a button and sniffed some more. I started hunting, sniffing with my tail up. I walked into the room with everyone and sat next to Peter.
"I shall eat this one!" I declared. Loki looked shocked. Everyone else was just staring. 
"No, Aubri. You can't eat Peter." Loki scolded.
"But he smells yummy! I'll only eat his hand." I bargained. 
"No. He needs his hand!" Loki said sternly. 
"What is she saying about me?" Peter asked. 
"She thinks she wants to eat you. How about we order pizza tonight? Get her favorite and maybe she will eat that?" Loki questioned. Mr. Stark nodded and grabbed a small rectangular piece of metal and plastic. I tried to get his fingers while they moved, but he kept pushing me away. Hurt and sad, I walked over to Miss Natasha. She smiled and whispered something to the man sitting next to her. He nodded and ran off super fast! I looked at where he was in amazement! He just, disappeared! He returned not a moment later with something in his hand. He gave it to Miss Natasha and she pushed a button. A small red dot appeared on the floor. I crouched down, wiggled my butt, and started chasing it. It was a tricky red dot. I would just about have it when it would disappear. It would then reappear moments later but in a different spot. I heard everyone laughing at me, but I really wanted the dot. After a while, though, I gave up. I sat on the table and started preening myself. I heard a knock on the door, and a guy walked in with pizza. It smelled heavenly! Mr. Stark could barely set it down before I was trying to get into the box. Everyone smiled at me, and Loki set a plate in front of me. I ate the entire piece of bacon pizza. After that, I followed everyone to a room with couches and chairs and sat on a footrest. 

"What is everyone's name?" I asked Loki. 
"Metal man is Tony. The smaller boy is Peter. Your redheaded assassin is Natasha. The big guy with the hammer is Thor, he is my brother. The fast guy is Pietro and his sister is the red-haired lady next to him. The man sitting next to her is an android named Vision, but he looks red sometimes. The man in the rocking chair is Bruce. He has another side called Hulk, but you don't want to meet him. The man with a shield is Steve and he has a friend with a metal arm named Bucky. And finally, the guy sitting on the floor staring at you is Clint. He thinks he is a movie character." He answered, pointing at each person respectfully. They waved, except for Clint. He reached out to pet me, and I responded by swatting his hand. He pulled his hand back sadly and laid on his stomach. I jumped on his back and decided that there was the best spot for a nap. I slept for nearly an hour until I felt warm arms pick me up carefully. I opened one eye to see Clint carrying me to his room. He left the door open and me you on his bed. I made myself comfortable in the spot where it was obvious he always slept. He looked at me for a minute, closed his door, and turned around. I watched him in interest as he changed into pajamas. He blushed red when he turned around and saw me watching him. I didn't know why though. He was very handsome and muscular. He looked at me in his spot and got comfortable around me. I felt safe in his arms and purred contentedly. I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

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