Chapter 33

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Aubri's P.O.V.

"What did you do, slut?" Bella asked, storming into my room with her hair standing straight up. 

"Oh, that's a sign that lightning is going to strike right now, so find some cover." I said, smiling. "I'd hurry. You might want to close the..." I started, pointing at the open window, but lightning stuck Bella before I could finish. "Window."

"Oh. My. God! You are trying to kill me, again! Just like you got jealous that I had a baby, so you went and got yourself pregnant! SLUT!" Bella screamed, completely uninjured, just comically blackened by the energy of the strike. 

"Okay, psycho. Whatever you say." I murmured. 

"Miss Isabella Cullen, you are wanted in the training room." FRIDAY announced. I watched Bella disappear and pulled up the footage on my phone. She walked in an everyone stared at her with very convincing fake confusion. She screamed in frustration and stormed out. Everybody had been doing things like this all week, and I was very surprised that she hadn't noticed yet. They were starting to make it super obvious.

"Okay, I'm almost done with you all harassing my wife. Tell them to stop." Edward said, standing and watching the feed over my shoulder.

"I have done absolutely nothing. It was them." I said, motioning to my screen.

"Is he bothering you, Aubri?" Pietro asked, taking a protective stance beside me. I laughed at his antics.

"Edward doesn't want Mischief and Chaos." I giggled.

"You bitch!" Bella yelled, walking into my room. "You told them to do this, didn't you? You were just jealous, you, you, copycat! I should have killed the Avengers as soon as I sent you to the Volturi!"

"What did you say?" Pietro asked. He of course knew, but he wanted her to admit it.

"You were the worst thing that could have happened to this family! I was supposed to bring everybody together and be the miracle! But you had to show up and copy me and everything I do! It was me who brought you to Caius because he told me you wouldn't be a problem anymore! You stupid Avengers had to ruin everything!" Bella screamed.  Edward stared at her, shocked.

"You bitch. I will kill you, slowly and painfully." Pietro said darkly.

"Why?" Edward asked, finally finding his voice.

"She was trying to take you back! I wasn't going to lose the only good thing to ever have happened to me! I wasn't going to lose you over some ex girlfriend of yours!" Bella hissed. "And now I'm going to end her and her family."

"That's the thing about us Avengers. We are family. And so are the Cullens. So, you don't mess with Aubri's family." Steve said.

"Um, Steve, didn't we agree on doing this outside? I just don't want the tower destroyed." Tony hissed. I smirked and used the power of the tesseract to portal everybody outside.

"I'm not scared of you guys. Just because you have flashy shields and sparkly weapons doesn't mean you can beat a vampire. Edward, do you want to join?" Bella said, crouching into an offensive position.

"No, I won't be joining you. But I won't fight against you. This is your battle. You solve the problem you made. I don't know what I saw in you." Edward said with pure disgust.

"That's fine. I'll still win. For our family." Bella said with a smile. I glared and pushed out with the Aether, causing her to go flying backwards. Edward grabbed me and led me out.

"Standard duel rules? Surrender, unconscious, or dead?" Loki asked, summoning daggers.

"I won't surrender, and you won't have time to surrender." Bella sneered.

"Try us. Avengers..." Steve said, raising his shield, "assemble."

Bella attacked first, weaving in and out of my soulmates. She targeted the 'powerless' (they most definitely aren't powerless) Avengers first. Natasha and Clint stood back to back, ready to defend each other. Bella became a blur, but Clint still managed to shoot her with a stun arrow. She stopped and lunged at the duo, but was stopped by Steve's shield ramming into her side. She growled in frustration and changed her attack to Steve. He blocked with his shield and was throwing quick counter-attacks. Tony blasted Bella with his uni-beam. She went flying back where Pietro ran around her and punched her repeatedly. She seemed to get sick of it and punched him away. He went flying and fell with a sickening crack. I strained against Edward trying to get to him. Wanda screamed in anguish and raised Bella into the air with her magic.

"You think you can stop me with some sparkles? Pathetic." She sneered. This pissed of Bruce enough to make him Hulk out. He went and punched her upside-down figure.

"Insta kill activated." Peter's suit said, his extra legs sprouting. He rushed Bella  and webbed her up. His legs were stabbing at her, but not making a dent in her skin.

"Surrender." Bucky demanded, his vibranium fist clenching. Vision stood close behind him, glaring.

"Never." Bella sneered, only to have Loki throw a dagger in her mouth.

"Sorry. She is annoying. Does anyone have any idea what to do with her?" He asked the group.

"Kill her." Pietro groaned from the ground. A chorus of agreement arose. Wanda dropped Bella on the ground.

"But she is someone's mother. We can't take Nessie's mother. No matter how evil she is." Thor said, dropping his hammer on Bella's stomach. She oofed around the dagger still in her mouth.

"I hate to say it, but I agree." Tony said, removing the face plate from his helmet. Steve stared at him with shock.

"Smash." Hulk roared.

"No smash! No smash!" Nat said, grabbing his hand. "Hey, the sun's getting real low." She soothed the Hulk down to Bruce.

"Well, we have two for sure who want her to survive, so that's what's going to happen." Steve said. "No arguments allowed."

"Damn. I wanted her to pay. She hurt my soulmate." Peter said with a glare.

"Woah. Calm down kid." Tony said.

"I like the way the spider-child thinks." Loki said, casually flipping a dagger.

"No. Loki, spell her to sleep." Vision said.

"My shield will stop the spell from working. You lose!" Bella said, spitting out the dagger.

"Asgardian magic is powerful. Be thankful. We are sparing your life today. You will leave us alone and never bother Aubri again. If you don't listen to this warning, I will not hesitate to kill you. And I garentee that you will go to hel." Loki threatened.

"Hell? I was a Christian. I'm going to heaven." Bella said.

"Not Hell, hel. The land of the dishonorable dead." Thor explained.

"But, you can't kill me!" Bella whined.

"Goodnight bitch." Loki said, magicking her to sleep.

Mated to the AvengersHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin