forty three.

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8:32pm. " and that's a wrap guys! good job on your first day back on set! " matt cheered, as he clapped his hands. everyone in the room soon doing the same. then he looked over at me. " also happy early birthday to the man himself, finn. "

now all eyes were on me. i looked around the room and smiled, throwing out thank you's to anyone who shouted happy birthday. i grabbed a water bottle and chugged it as i gathered my belongings. i looked over at taylor who was talking and laughing with millie.

my eyes shifted from her to millie, observing at how she looked at taylor. millie's eyes were lit up and then she had a small smile on her lips. she messed around with her fingers as if she was nervous. her cheeks were a light pink.

almost as if she knew i was looking at her, millie turned her head towards me and her smile immediately disappeared. she changed her posture and was now not even looking at taylor while she spoke.

taylor looked my way too and shot me a small smile making my heart jump around in my chest. i waved my fingers back and began walking towards her. she wrapped her arms around my torso as i kissed the top of her head.

" you were amazing today. " she spoke, looking up at me with pure admiration in her eyes.

i smiled lightly. " thank you love, so were you. "

millie had her eyes glued to her phone but i quickly snatched it from her hands, putting it in my pocket.

" are you serious finn? " millie said, rolling her eyes. " give it back. "

" not until you acknowledge my presence and stop ignoring me. " i replied.

taylor laughed. " why do you think everyone is ignoring you? "

" millie literally looked at me while i was standing over there— " i paused and pointed a few yards behind me. " while you guys were talking and then she all of a sudden stopped. "

" if you haven't done anything to upset millie then i see no reason for her to be mad at you. " taylor added, looking between the both of us. " are you upset with him mills? "

" no i'm not. "

" see? problem solved, now give the girl her phone. "


taylor's pov

10:38pm. everyone was out hanging downstairs except for millie and noah. i decided to slip away from the group and head upstairs to see what's going on with them.

as i approached millie's door, it was surprisingly cracked but not even an inch open. i could hear her conversation clearly, and god forgive me but i eavesdropped just a little.

" he's gonna find out soon millie. " noah whisper shouted. " he's already mentioned the way you look at her, it's not long before he finds out you kissed her! "

" i feel bad enough. you don't need to remind me of the damage i've done. do you think she forgot? " millie questioned, lowering her voice a little.

" forgot what? "

it got quiet for a second before noah spoke up again.

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