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Dorinda 2 weeks Later

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2 weeks Later

"Baby you ready?" Meech asked as he buttoned his shirt. I looked him up and down and bit my lip.

"You sure we gotta go? I'm tryna go one more round."

"Yeah Ma we gotta go or we gonna be late, but when we get back I got you."

"Okay baby." I smiled as I finished my hair. I walked over to him and kissed him.

Meech and I were getting ready for the trail for Greg and I's divorce. I was happy that this was finally happening and I could move on with my life.

When I pulled from the kiss I wiped Meech's lips because I left lipstick on them. I walked passed him and grabbed my phone.

"Let's go before we're late. Olivia is out front in the truck." I said and grabbed my purse.

Meech put his chains on then we made our way downstairs and out to the truck that was taking us to the courthouse. He opened my door and I got in then he got in after me.

"Ms.Dorinda are you ready?" Olivia asked.

"Yeah. I'm just ready to settle everything and move on." I said to her.

"I understand, I truly believe everything will go smoothly today." Olivia said to me.

"Thank you Olivia."

I sat in my seat and closed my eyes as I began to pray.

It took a good 15 minutes to get to the courthouse. When we got there the front of the courthouse was full of paparazzi and reporters. When the car stopped they all swarmed the truck trying to take pictures and ask questions. Meech got out and opened my door, He helped me out and we made it through the crowd of people. Once we got in we made our way into the courtroom. I sat at the table while Meech and Olivia sat behind me. As I sat in my seat I could feel eyes on me. I looked over to my left and there Greg was staring at me which didn't surprise me. I knew he was trying to intimidate me, but it wasn't working.


"All rise." The Baliff spoke up causing everyone to get quiet and stand. The Judge walked in and stood in front of everyone.

"Department One of the Superior Court is now in session. Judge Bailey presiding. Please be seated." The Judge sat down then everyone else in the court room sat down.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Calling the case Cole v. Cole. I like to hear from Mrs.Cole's."

Dorinda  stood up. "Thank you your honor. My name is Dorinda Clark Cole and I filed this suit for divorce from my spouse Gregory Cole. I am asking for a divorce because our marriage has become unworkable and Mr.Cole has cheated on me as well as put his hands on me. There is no reasonable expectation that him and I will get back together. We don't have any kids together. I just want my maiden name and to keep my business. He can have the house and anything else. I also have pictures from when he abused me." Dorinda grabbed the pictures off the table. "May I approach the bench?"

"Yes you may." Judge Bailey said and Dorinda made her way to the the Judge handing her the photos Meech took before they completely faded. Dorinda went back to her seat while the judge looked at the photos, she then wrote a few things down before speaking again.

"Thank you Mrs.Cole you may be seated." Judge Bailey said and Dorinda took a seat. "Mr.Cole state your case."

"Thank you your honor. Well Mrs.Cole blindly filed this divorce on me. I wasn't aware that she wanted one. As for cheating I would never do such a thing to her. That's not in my character. I've been nothing but faithful to her for the last 16 years."

"He's lying your Honor!" Dorinda said.

"Quiet down Mrs.Cole. Mr.Cole continue."

"Thank you. I would like to try and work things out with her. I tried to apologize to her but she wouldn't listen to me. Now that we are here I would just like to have the house, both cars, and $80,000 from her."

"The $80,000 is for?" She asked as she wrote everything else down that he said.

"My half of what I put in into her business your honor." Greg said.

"Now question Mr.Cole, You really think she would take you back after you disrespected her by putting your hands on her?"

"Your honor-" Greg started but the judge put her hand up stopping him. "Mrs.Cole what happened for him to put his hands on you and also why do you say that he is lying about cheating?"

Dorinda stood up before speaking. "Greg and I had gotten into a argument because I confronted him about cheating on me. I handed him the divorce papers and we started to argue about that as well. I was trying to walk away from him but he grabbed my arm and pushed me into our bathroom counter, that's how I got those bruises. As for him cheating I came home from work a little early and he was there. I walked inside and I called out for him but he didn't answer me at all. I made my way upstairs to our bedroom and that's when I walked in on him and some young woman having sex in my bed. Neither of them knew I was there you honor." She spoke and looked over at Greg and the look on his face looked like he had just seen a ghost.

"Now Mr.Cole why would you put your hands on her all because she wanted a divorce?"

"Your honor I didn't want her to leave me and as we were arguing it was like she wasn't listening to me and my anger just took over. I love Dorinda with all my heart."

"Mr.Cole you are saying that you love her but what made you cheat on her?" Judge Bailey questioned.

"Well um....Your Honor-" Greg began to stutter.

"Don't even waist your breath Mr.Cole. I will make this quick for all of us. I have everything listed, the possession of everything will go as listed in this order and this matter is adjourned." The judge got up and exited out of the courtroom.


Olivia and Meech came from behind me and hugged me. I looked at Meech and I wanted to kiss him so bad but I didn't want anything else to be added to this whole situation.

"You did amazing. I'm so proud of you Dorinda." Meech said to me making me smile.

"Me too Ms.Dorinda you handled your business." Olivia said.

"Thank y'all so much."
We all exited the courtroom before Greg could say anything to me. Meech helped Olivia and I to the truck. We all got in and our driver took Meech and I back to Kenos house.

When we got back to his house Keno and Kingsley were still gone so we had time to enjoy each other without something going on. As soon as the front door closed Meech picked me up, threw me over his shoulder and carried me upstairs as I laughed. "Now I gotta reward you for your hard work."

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