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It's been a few days since Dorinda and Meech made up and Dorinda was happy to have her boo back, but she wasn't feeling like herself still. She was always so tired and felt so weak. She didn't say anything to Meech because she didn't want him to worry about her. She just thought she was getting a little sick from the weather changing.

"Baby you alright?" Meech asked her as he sat on the bed watching her in the bathroom. He saw she was moving a little slower then normal.

"Yeah I'm just a little tired." She said softly.

"We don't have to go if you don't want to. We can stay here and just chill." Meech told her. They were heading out to the mall since Dorinda wanted to go shopping so bad.

"No I'm okay..I just need-" Dorinda started to say before she fell to the floor.

"BAE!" Meech called out rushing to her side. "Bae wake up." Meech lightly shook her. He wasn't getting a response from her and he began to panic.

"Shit Doe, please wake up." He said to her as he lifted her head and laid it on her lap. He reached in his pocket and called his mom trying not to cry. He didn't know what was going on with his girl, he just knew he couldn't lose her.

His momma picked up after the second ring. "Hey my Meechie." She sweetly said over the phone.

"Momma...Doe." Is all he could get out. He was trying to calm himself down to talk but he just couldn't.

"Meechie what's going on? What's wrong with Dorinda?" Ms.Rita said over the phone once she heard the panic in her sons voice.

"She passed out and I don't know what to do." She heard her son cry over the phone.

"Okay listen to me. Did she hit her head on anything when she fell?"

"No." Meech said.

"Alright now is she breathing? Do you feel a pulse at all?" She asked him and Meech began to check her pulse.

"Yeah she's still breathing." Meech said to his mother.

"Alright now lift her legs up and support her ankles so she can get some blood flowing back to her brain." She told him and Meech did exactly what she said. After a few minutes Dorinda woke up coughing some as she looked around trying to get up.

"Wait don't get up too fast." Meech said stopping her. "Thanks Momma." Meech said and hung up the phone.

"What happened?" She asked him confused.

"Baby you passed out. What's been going on with you?" He asked her.

"I don't know. It might just be the weather making me like this." She said.

"We gotta go to the doctor to see what's going on with you and so this won't happen again." He said and helped her off the floor. They got the girls and headed to the car. After getting them situated they got in and Meech drove them to the doctors office.

After driving for 30 minutes they arrived at the doctors office. Meech got the stroller out and out the girls in it. Doe and Meech walked into the doctors office and he went to the front desk and let the receptionist know why they were there.

"The doctor will see you in just a minute. We will call you to the back for now you all can take a seat in the waiting area." The receptionist said to them.

They took a seat and waited to get called back. Dorinda sat quietly as she picked at her nails. She was nervous for some reason. She knew she should have been to the doctor to get checked out but she was being stubborn and ignoring everything.

"Dorinda?" They heard a after sitting in the waiting area for 10 minutes. The couple got up and made their way to the back as they followed the nurse into a room.

"Doctor Nelson will be in shortly." The nurse said and walked out of the room. Dorinda took a seat on the table while Meech sat in one of the chairs.

"Do you know what may have caused you to pass out?" Meech asked her as he played with the girls.

Dorinda just shook her head no. She felt bad for putting Meech in that scary situation. After a few minutes of waiting Dr.Nelson knocked on the door and walked into the room.

"Ms.Clark?" He said as he looked at his clip board then at her.

"Hi Dr.Nelson." Dorinda said and he shook her hand. He looked over at Meech. "Is this Mr.Clark?"

"No no no..this is my Boyfriend Demetrius." Doe said and the doctor shook his hand.

"I'm guessing these are y'all's pretty little girls." He said as he smiled at Maddie and Nahla and they smiled back at him.

"Now it says here on my chart that, you passed out earlier today out of nowhere. Can you tell me what happened exactly." Dr.Nelson said as he sat down and opens his computer getting ready to type.

"Well I was in the bathroom getting ready like I always do. I felt a little dizzy and my chest was aching some and I was a little tired as well but I ignored it cause I have been feeling like this for a while and I thought nothing of it-"

"And she was moving a little slower than normal." Meech chipped in.

"Then what happened?" Dr.Nelson asked as he kept typing on his laptop.

"Then I was about to walk out when my body went weak and everything went black." Dorinda said.

"Mmhm." Dr.Nelson said. He got up and put the stethoscope in his ears and began to check Dorinda. "Let me get some deep breaths from you and this will be a little cold as well." He said then started to check her heart.

"Have you been feeling dizzy for a while?"

"Yes." She admitted.

"How long?" Dr Nelson said and grabbed the sphygmomanometer and wrapped it around her arm and began to check her blood pressure.

"For a few weeks now." Dorinda said.

"You been under any stress? Have you been getting any sleep?"

"Yes and no." Dorinda said. After Dr.Nelson finished checking her blood pressure he sat down close to his computer and began to type everything in.

After he finished typing he looked at the couple. "So everything is alright with you Ms.Clark. You just need to get you some rest.  The reason you passed out was because you are extremely exhausted and stressed. I understand that taking care of two babies can put a lot of stress on someone mentally and physically and make them very exhausted. So the best thing to do is to relax and get some rest." Dr.Nelson told them.

Dorinda nodded her head. She was grateful  that nothing was severely wrong with her, she just needed to get some rest and relax.

"Thank you Doctor Nelson." Meech said.

"You two are very welcome. I will let you two go ahead. Ms.Clark get you some rest and you two have a lovely evening. Give me a call or come in to see me if anything else starts to happen." Dr.Nelson said and he shook their hands and walked out of the room.

"Why didn't you tell me you were having those symptoms Ma?" Meech asked her as he stood up to help her off the table.

"I didn't want you to worry about me. I thought all those symptoms would have passed over." Dorinda said to him.

"You have to tell me when you aren't feeling okay so we can get it checked out before it gets worse." Meech said as he looked at her. "We're gonna take a vacation next week cause you need it." Meech said pecking her lips.


One more chapter for tonight?

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