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"Oh so this the heffa you left me and your baby for? Nice to finally meet you in person." Nova said.

"I know she ain't-" Dorinda stepped up but I put my arm in front of her making her step back.

"Nova what do you want?" I questioned with an attitude.

"I wanted to talk to you." She said.

"Talk to me? You could have just called my phone if you wanted to talk."

"I needed to talk to you face to face. So can I come in?"

"Uh sure." I looked at Dorinda and she just shook her head and went into the kitchen. I walked Nova into the house as she looked around.

"You want some water?" I asked.

"No, I won't be long." She said and we walked into the living room. She put Nahla's car seat on the floor with two bags.

I sat in the chair across from her looking at her waiting for her to say something. We sat in silence for a couple of minutes before I spoke. "Sooo?"

"I'm leaving Nahla with you and she's gonna stay with you."

"Huh? What do you mean you're leaving her with me?"

"I don't think I'm fit to take care of her. Not on my own anyway." She spoke.

"Nova, I am helping you. I send you money every month for her. I know since I'm not living in LA no more it's a little hard but I'm still trying my best."

"I don't think I am capable of being a good mother for her. I just rather her grow up with you than with me. You will give her a better life than I would Meech."

"Nova you can't just leave her. She needs her mother."

"She'll have a mother. It just won't be me."


"Meech this is not up for debate. I made my mind up about this. I won't bother you about her, she is yours. You don't even have to tell her about me. Make her believe your girlfriend is her mother, I don't care just please take care of her. She deserves to have a great life and she deserves to have her Dad in her life."

"She deserves to have her mother in her life as well. Nova, you can't just leave her. She's going to need you."

Nova just shook her head. "Meech I'm not going to change my mind. I matter what you say. I'm giving her a chance to have an great future, I'm doing what's best for her and what's best for me. If she wants to know about me in the future fine tell her what I did but now just take care of her." Nova stood up. "I'm sorry." Is all she said before she left out of the house.

I sat there staring at Nahla as she slept in her car seat . I couldn't believe Nova just left out of her own child's life, her responsibility.

"Baby?" I felt Dorinda's hand on my shoulder.

"I can't believe she just left her."

"I know." She sighed and squatted beside me. "I know Nova's decision isn't a good one but we got this babe. We have one baby how bad could two be. This is a chance for you to be in her life and even a chance for her to grow up with her sister."

I kept looking at Nahla until Doe took her out of her car seat and gave her to me. "Everything is going to be okay. God got us." She kissed my forehead and went into the kitchen. I sighed and looked at Nahla. I was just worried about what to tell her when she got older.

Just a short chapter for y'all.. nothing tooooo dramatic
I just really wanted to update for y'all 😭

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