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It's been 8 Months since Nova left Nahla here with Doe and I. I was hoping Nova would have changed her mind the night she left but she never called or came back.

I laid in the bed as the sounds of the girls crying filled the halls of the house. The seasons has been changing so the girls have been sick most of the time and right now they are fighting the flu. Dorinda was already in the nursery trying to tend to them the best she could. I'm not gonna lie I have been a bit distant from her and the kids cause I just have been stressed with everything.

I have been trying my best with the babies but I just haven't been myself since Nova just left Nahla here. I'm happy to have my baby here but I just feel like it's a lot right now.

I laid in the bed and I heard the girls continue to cry. I wanted to get up and help Dorinda but I just couldn't. I laid there until I heard everything quiet down. I sighed and turned on my side so when Dorinda came in she wouldn't know I was awake.

Once I heard her come in and get back into the bed I laid there until I fell back asleep.


It was the next day and I got up out of my bed a little later in the evening. I went into the bathroom, did my daily routine and got dressed. I went downstairs and Dorinda was in the kitchen feeding the girls.

"Baby can you help me with-" she started to say.

"Sorry Doe I'm running a little late for something." I lied cutting her off. I went into the kitchen and kissed her cheek quickly then I gave Nahla and Maddie kisses on their forehead before I grabbed my keys and left.

I don't know where I was going but I just needed to get out the house for a while.

As I started to drive through downtown Detroit my phone began to ring making me look at it and it was my homeboy so I answered it.

"Wassup Twan." I said as I continued to drive.

"Fool what you doin?"

"Nun man, wassup?"

"Aye pull up to this lil party my homeboy having."

"Aight man just hit me with the address." I said and we both hung up.  A few minutes after we hung up, Antwan sent me the address and I made my way to the party.

Once I got there I pulled behind a car and made my way through the party.  As I was walking through the house tryna find Antwan I accidentally bumped into a girl.

"Oh shit my fault." I said quickly apologizing.

"Its alright Meechie." She said making me look at her. Not a lot of people call my Meechie except for people that's really close to me.

I honestly didn't recognize the girl. She looked me up and down and continued to walk away. I just shook my head and continued to look for Antwan.

Let me know what y'all think <3

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