Story 1- Part 1

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"Awe, you are just the sweetest, Leo."

There they go with the kissing again. Son of a mutant... Sweet mercy I can't take this. Leo and April need to hang out in his room sometimes or something.

I got up from the cement couch and ran to my lab to get my bostaff. Then I ran back out and started making my way towards the exit.

"I'm going out, Leo."

"Take someone with you, Don."

"Mikey is with Leatherhead, Raph's with Mona, and Casey's at home. I'll be fine. And if not, I'll call. Now I'll see you later."

"Uh, alright. Have fun, I guess."

I mean, I wouldn't mind seeing Casey... after I understood that I was nothing more than a brother to April, I kind of started showing interest in him instead.

Which is weird now that I think about it. Because I also thought that she would go after Casey once I stopped showing interest. I was even around when he asked her out. Like blatantly asked her out, flowers and all.

She said no.

He was fucking devastated and stormed off.

I felt bad for him. At least with my rejection it was subtle. I tried to confess and she just kept interrupting.

A way of telling me that she knows and she just wants to be friends.

I guess I should be happy that she said no to Casey. Not that it would matter. I may like him, but who's to say that he's interested in guys. Specifically six foot three mutant guys like me.


I stopped running on the rooftops as the sound of sniffling hit my ears. It was close, obviously. Either someone was crying or someone had some real bad allergies.

I walked around the roof I was on, but I didn't see anyone. So I looked from where I stood to the building around us, until I saw him.

Casey was sitting on top of the roof next to the apartment building across from me. He was alone, so I got down from the building, sneaked my way across the street, then made my way up to the roof he was on.

I made enough noise that I knew he would hear me, but not enough noise to wake up the other residents of the complex.

When I made it up to him he was standing up, hockey stick in hand, ready to fight.

Upon seeing me, though, he dropped the stick, mumbled a sorry, then sat down on the edge again.

I stood there for a few minutes watching him. He looked broken. I could see the tear stains on his cheeks, and new ones making their marks as tears fell.

Then I moved to sit next to him.

I stayed quiet and just looked around. I didn't want to intrude that much, but I did want to be there for him.

But I didn't have to start anything.

"I don't fucking get it, D."


I looked over at him, but he was still looking out onto the streets below.

"Don't get what, Case?"

"How the fuck did Leo end up with her?"

"I have no idea. And the nerve. You asked her out in almost the same manner."

"And she said no. Then what about you?"

"What about me?"

"Don, you saved her dad from being a bat for the rest of his life, kept her safe through multiple situations, did all these things for her, yet she had the fucking guts to reject you."

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