Story 3- Part 6

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Casey, I know I messed up. I didn't want this to happen. I was chemically experimenting on myself, and I triggered my animal. I knew I was interested in you, but I didn't know that would happen. I'm sorry. I don't expect forgiveness, I know the damage I did was bad, and it's the worst thing I've done. Signed, Donatello.


"You alright?"

"Uh, eh. I-I was raped recently too... and the one who did it wasn't in his right mind. And I am terrified of him now."

"Were you two friends?"

"Well, not friends persay, but we kind of got along. I'm more friends with his brother... I get it... but the pain he caused me was the worst thing I've experienced yet. I don't know if I can let it go."

"This just happen?"

"About two weeks ago. Yeah."

"That's pretty recent. Nobody expects you to be passed it. He doesn't even expect you to. Healing can take a while."

"I get it... why didn't you say anything when you saw Venus earlier? You still afraid of her?"

"Well, no, not in that sense."

"Then why'd you freeze?"

"I would rather not talk about it."

Whoa, wait.

"Do you have the hots for Venus?"

"Pssh. No? Maybe? I don't know. I've only started dating recently... but I haven't really showed interest in anyone. It might be the training and shit I've gone through, but I like a girl who can go from zero to a hundred."

"Bro, she stitched your mouth shut."

"And then she fixed it."

"You ended up in an asylum."

"And? I'm better again and functioning."

"Well, sure, but, that was like, three years of your life just gone."

"Well, it changed my life. I was put into that situation as a minion of a guy trying to take over New York. Went into the asylum, came out a changed man. She was evil when she harmed me, and she was good when she helped me. She chose to right her wrong, and that gave me a second chance to be a better person."

"Okay, it's getting pretty sappy in here. It's getting out of hand. Later, man."

"Alright, fine. Have a good evening, Casey."

"Yeah yeah. Later. Take care, man."

Wow, that was weird. How could he like someone who hurt him like that.

I mean Venus and I are close, but even I would have a hard time letting it go if she did that to me.

I guess it's a good thing she didn't.

I made my way home and when I got inside, I immediately noticed a problem.

All my windows were open. Which is even weirder because I keep all my windows locked.

"Oh no."

I immediately grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed up a number.

"Casey? Are you okay?"

"Hey, Irma. Uh, for now, yeah. Probably not for long, though... uh, are the boys alright?"

"No. Remember, I told you that they would be hitting mating season. Oh shit."

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