Story 2- Part 1

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"Done, Don?"

"Yeah, Mikey, I got your new board done. Here."

I handed off his new hover board to him, then I sat down at my desk.

"D, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Go on your date with Foxy, or whatever her name is. Be careful."

"Right. You should go get some rest. You've been up for a week straight."

"Trust me. Little brother. I know."

I watched him leave, and was about to turn on some of Our Last Night's music, but then my door flew open again, this time it was April. I stood up as she ran to me, and I could see her panic all over her face.

"Donnie, help."

"What happened now?"

"I got sores in my mouth."

"Alright, one second."

I grabbed my doctor things and had her sit down on the medical table.

I heard footsteps of another person, but I kept my eyes on April.

"What side?"

"All sides."

"Oh boy."

She opened her mouth and sure enough I saw about ten sores on both sides of her mouth, and two right in front of her bottom front teeth.

"I see... And I see bruising in the back of your throat. And since I know you aren't sick, I know you've been busy. Who with now, April?"

"Nobody. What do you mean?"

"You gave someone a blow-job recently... probably also is the reason why you got sores all in your mouth. It triggered your mono. You still have about six months before it can go away."

"I can't give it to anyone."

"Yes you can. That's why nobody here is allowed to share with you. It is so contagious. But you're right. you can't pass mono through blowjobs. Go gargle hot salt water."

"Ugh, fine."

"And maybe try getting a toy instead of going to men. That's how you ended up with Mono in the first place."

"Shut up."

With that she stood up and stormed off.

"You're welcome!"

What a-



My heart skipped a beat at the sound of the familiar voice.

Casey was standing off to the side by the door. He looked annoyed.


Gotta put on a face.

"Jones, what do need?"

I tried to sound annoyed with him, but he didn't seem phased.

"Wanted to see what this bitch was up too?"

"Why do you act mean to her but still hang out with her?"

"Gotta. She's here all the time. Gotta see her and deal with her when I'm here."

"Well, sorry to say this, but Raph is with Mona right now and Mikey just went to go see Foxy."

"Damn. Well, what are you doing?"

"Nerd things."

"Ah. Lame."

"Yeah, so leave."

Please, I can't have you around. You distract me.

Casey x Donnie Short StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora