story 1-part 2

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When I got home I immediately went to my lab and started researching Casey's past. I found out that he dated three dudes at his old school, and two girls. The girls looked to be both bottle blonds. And one was as dumb as she looked. On her records it was said that she was found getting stuck in various places. She got stuck in a locker that she put herself into voluntarily, she got stuck in the legs of a lab stool, and even got stuck on top of the building with no recollection of how.

The boys all had a theme going on in their current lives. One was in jail and managed to escape three different times, and is even on the lamb as we speak. You gotta be pretty intelligent to do that. Then the other two were competing in school for valedictorian.

So they were all smart, and Casey showed interest in them.

I'm smart.

But sadly I'm not human.

It's been a few days since all that happened. Raph's visited him, and he came back a bit... weirded out, I guess. Like, he seemed shocked about something.

April hadn't seen him at school at all, so he was still grieving, I guess. That or he was just avoiding April like the plague. Can't say I blame him.

I was currently sitting in my lab, headphones in, listening to this band I recently found called I Prevail. They're pretty cool. Even some of their slow songs were really good.

My headphones were suddenly no longer blaring music and when I looked away from my desk, I saw Casey standing there, headphone jack in his hand, and he was smiling at me.

I took my headphones off and smiled as I paused my music.

"Wow, Jones. Good to see you out and about. What are you doing here?"

"School's out, got my school shit done, thought I would pay you a visit and say thanks for cheering me up. Raph and I are also suppose to go riding later."

"Ah. That is why he got so demanding about his bike getting fixed yesterday. Makes sense. Well, it's fixed, so, you two have fun out there tonight. Be careful, though."

"Eh, maybe. Taking out baddies is on my list of shit to do tonight. But we'll see. Who was that you were listening to?"

"Uh, I prevail. It was a recent discovery."

"Ah, dude. That band's dope. I heard them while listening to Memphis May Fire. They are kind of similar. And they are pretty cool. Uh, thanks again, Donerdo, for stopping by a couple days ago."

"It's whatever, man. You're a part of the team. I got your back if ya need me. Probably not as much as Raph, but you get my point."

"Yeah. Later, man."


With that Casey dropped the headphone jack, then walked off. I couldn't help but stare until he was completely out of sight.

I didn't get to start listening to music again, though, because Mikey wandered in, a mischievous smile on his face as per usual.

Mikey was the only one who knew I had a thing for Casey.

"Ooh, why was Casey in here, bro. You finally score a date with him?"

"What? No."

"Well, why not?"

"What? Really, Mikey?"

"What? You like him still, don't you?"

"Yeah, I do, but that doesn't mean that he likes me. Look at me."

"Yeah, you look like a taller version of Leo, who scored a piece, I'll have you know. Why can't you?"

"Uh, he might not be into a mutant. I'm surprised April is."

"Oh, I bet ya he could be."

"Look, I'm not gonna do anything, alright? I'm glad we're friends, and maybe I might try something in the future, but not right now. We just started getting along."

"You guys started getting along six months ago after you gave up. And you started crushing on him before that."

"Mikey, just-"

"I want you to be happy, D. I'm only bothering you because I'm worried about you. I'll stop harassing you about it. But just so you know, everyone on the team is busy tonight. I got another date with Leatherhead, Leo and April are going dancing, and Raph is busy with Casey tonight."

"Eh... what else is new. I'll be alone tonight. Nothing unusual. You have fun, little brother. But not too much fun."

I watched my brother's face turn bright red and then he ran out of my lab.

"Too late, D!"

Ew, I didn't need to know that.

But I guess I did walk into that one.

How would that even work? Leatherhead about two feet taller than me. He's probably about the size of an average gator, give or take a few inches...

Why the fuck am I thinking about this. Anatomically it makes not sense, sure, but I've seen and heard weirder.

"I gotta think of other things to make. I can't think about this kind of shit. It's weird."


Oh great. Here comes Raph.

I sat back down at my lab table and looked towards the door.

Seconds later, Raph came running in, Leo right behind him, and he looked excited too.

"Hey, Raph. What's up?"

"Casey said you finished the bike. That true?"

"I did. Should be good to go. If you hear that pop again, call me, man. Don't let that stuff go unchecked."

"Right... sorry, Don."

"As you should be. Leo, what do you need?"

"You finished his bike, but did you ever finish my bike."



"It needs test driven."


"Seriously. I just need to make sure there are no kinks. Like, ya know, not starting. I'm taking a small break and then I'll start that process."

"Aw, dammit. Can I test it?"

"No. And if I see you messing with it, I'll dismantle it and turn it into Mikey's hoverboard. Get it?"

"Alright, fine. Uh, thanks, Donnie, for even making it."

"Yeah, well, what else am I gonna do. Got a talent, might as well use it."

Raph just rolled his eyes at me, and walked out, then Leo smiled at me and followed after him.

"Sweet mercy."

"Hey, Donnie?"


"April? Been a minute since you've set foot in my lab. What's up?"

"Uh, well, you know how I got, like really good selective hearing?"


She smiled at me and wiggled her eyebrows at me for a second then started laughing.


"I heard you and Mikey talking."

Aw shell!

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