Story 3- Final Part

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I felt an unfamiliar blanket draped over me, and the smell was different than the smell of my room.

Oh no.

I opened my eyes immediately and sat up to look around.

It was Casey's room, but things were different this time. I could see his mask sitting on his dresser. The top wasn't messy like it was last time. Everything had a spot. When I looked over to the other side of the bed, Casey wasn't there.

"What the fuck happened last night?"

"I know."

I shouted at the sudden voice and looked over to see Venus sitting there on the dresser.

Then I recognized the familiar magenta bubble around us.

"Venus, you know what happened?"

"Well, I know the jest of it. I had to look away when things started going down."

"I didn't rape him again, did I?"

"No. One, your animal was more gentle than before. I can only tell because I can see Casey right now, and he is in much better condition than last time. Two, he was prepared this time. Look at the nightstand.

I looked where she pointed and saw a couple things on it that were there last time.

I saw a used towel and an empty bottle of lube.

"Holy shit. Wh-Why would he do this?"

"Eh. Could be a ton of reasons. One would be because he likes you and since you played the avoiding game, this was the only way he could get to you. That's actually my favorite guess. Could be because he knew he wouldn't be able to stop you, the list goes on."

"Oh ha ha. I'm serious."

"Well, I can grant you the memory. But, the problem is, I will see what happened too."

"Uh... fine."

She placed her hand over my forehead, like she was checking my temperature, then her eyes started glowing.

Instantly I remembered what happened. I remember climbing through the open window and seeing Casey sitting on the bed. I remember his smile, I remember how he got up and immediately came to me and started kissing me.

And then the animal took over.

"Oh my gosh."

"Ha, get it, Donnie."

"Shut up."

"There were some moves in there I've never seen before. A whole bottle of lube was used. You guys did it three times. Three different times. Like, holy shit."

"Hey, you don't gotta bring it up."

"I do, actually. I want you to understand that he planned for you to come by. He knew you would. He wanted your attention."

"Why did nobody stop me? Both Mikey and Leo were sane this time."

"Mikey doesn't like to get involved and Jupiter knew this would happen, didn't want Leo to stop it, so he pulled him. They had their own fun."

"Images. Ack! Gross."

"But cool. Because your animal could kill Leo. Out of all of you, your animal and Raph's animal are the strongest ones."


"Yeah. And Leo knows it. Leo usually tries to distract you guys by talking about things that fascinate you, which works for some reason."

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