Story 3- Part 10

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"Shut up, Raph. I don't need this right now."

"Na, you gonna come back here in a good mood, you better tell me what you just got done doing."

"Why? My life doesn't affect you."

"Did you go harass Casey?"



Oh boy.

Jupiter appeared between us and he immediately glared at me. Then at Raphael.

"I understand that you are still cross with your brother, but he is right. It is none of your business. You know that if he did something he regretted, we would all know about it by now."

"Stay out of this, Jupiter."

"Leave him alone, Raph. He doesn't deserve your attitude. Yeah, I went to talk to Casey, but I just wanted to say sorry in person. Now can we leave it alone?"

"I'm gonna call him. And if he says otherwise, I'm kicking your shell."

"Whatever, man."

He stomped off down to his room, and I looked back at Jupiter. And he was smiling at me.

"Hey, I saw that."

"Saw what?"

"You and Casey talking. Kind of sweet to see."

"Well, I guess."

"You should ask him out."

"What? No. That is the worst step to take right now."

"Oh, but, come on. You two would be so fucking cute together."

"You and Venus got a problem. I'm not gonna do it."

"Why not?"

"I don't think he's quite over what I did to him."

"Yeah? You got that idea when he invited you over to watch the hockey game?"

"Well, no. I think he was just trying to act normal."

"He's never invited you over to his house before."

"Okay, stop. I don't need my emotions everywhere. Please, for my sake, gimme some space and go away. Go harass Leo or something."

"I kind of want to. Alright, well, just think through everything, I'm serious. I think somethings there."

"And I think you're crazy."

"I'm a psycho monster of a thousand eyes, Donatello. Of course I'm crazy. But I can see everything."

"Thank you for the reminder. Leo, your boy is here! Get him to leave me alone!"

"Ha, he heard you. And he is on his way."

Sure to his word, Leo ran in seconds later and immediately hugged Jupiter.

And Jupiter returned his hug.

"Hey, Baby. What have you been up to?"

"Meditating. What about you?"

"Discussing with Donatello about the Casey situation. But he does not wish to talk about it anymore. So I am being sent to you."

"As it should be, Love. Come on."

"Bye, Donnie."

"Bye, Jupiter. You two have fun."

Staying off my shell. What am I gonna do about all this?

Well, I could do what I've been doing and avoid Casey.

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