Story 3- Part 3

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They both stayed with me for a bit. Then Irma disappeared for a while, so April and I watched a horror movie. Then Irma came back and we chilled while April went out on patrol.

But everything has to come to an end eventually.

Right now I was downstairs doing laundry from the night before, and I couldn't really look at the sheets or my blanket, because the memory just floods back.

"I am so fucking over this shit."

As I started up the dryer for the last load, my phone started ringing.

"Dammit... hey, Terry. What's up?"

"You alright? April called me and told me that you hurt yourself at the gym."

"Yeah... I pulled a hamstring. Got a fucking limp now."

"Well, I can put in some of your sick days if ya want."


"Yeah, man. I get it. Plus, I mean, I can't have my best worker here down on the job. When do ya wanna come in again?"

"I got enough to cover about a week, but I shouldn't need the whole week. Just gimme a few days."

"Got it."

"Thanks, Terry."

"You bet. I put it in. You should see it in your email tonight."

"Thanks. Have a good day. Man."

"Yeah. You be safe, Casey."

Son of a bitch.

I guess I should be glad April reached out for me.

I haven't been to the gym in a week. I should start going back. Maybe if I was strong enough, I could have fought off Donnie.


Oh boy. A familiar voice. I love to talk with her, just not right now.

I looked up from where I stood and saw Venus standing there. She wasn't in her usual gear. Instead she was in a large cloak that was as long as her, barely dragging the ground. She had no mask on, her green eyes staring right into my soul.

"What, V?"

"I heard about what happened. I'll heal you."


She just snapped her fingers and I instantly felt way better physically.

"Uh, thanks, V."

"Mhmm. Well, it was necessary. You were developing tears. He was not careful with you."

"I don't want to talk about it."

"I understand that this is hard to discuss, but sometimes it helps with the healing process. I know April told you to go to her. And fair. Both Raphael and Donatello tried to get to her. She would understand completely, but I'm always ready to listen."

"How come none of the guys go after you, V?"

"Leonardo and Michelangelo had an interest in me, but Leo has shifted to Jupiter. And Mikey, well, I'm not sure what's going on with him. He seems to be thinking about a lot of things. Showing interest in a girl he saw skateboarding at night a few nights ago. As for why they never attempted to get to me, I scare them. My abilities scare even their animal side, killing their sex-drive. Same goes for Jupiter."

"I see."

I looked at her and she gave me a smile before closing the gap between us, and wrapping me in a hug.

I knew her and her brother when I was kid. I didn't know they were mutants until after I met the turtles. And she hasn't changed... but her brother definitely has.

When she let go of me, I looked into her eyes and saw a hint of worry.

"Casey, just know that if you need me or Jupiter, all ya gotta do is say our name. One of us will come running, if not both. Okay?"

"Wait, I do have a question. Do you... know what happened? Like, why did Donnie come after me?"

"Oh, yes. He liked you, and he didn't like that he liked you so he kept his distance."

"I was wondering why I never really saw him after the whole April thing ended."

"Indeed. He wanted to prevent you from getting hurt by him, so the less he was around you or smelled you, the more likely his animal would stay back."


"But he was experimenting on himself, which triggered his animal, made him come out, and animal Donnie came here immediately."


"He really hates that he likes you."

"What? What the fuck."

"Nothing like that, Casey. He doesn't think he's allowed to like the same sex, so he was trying to "fix" himself."

"And then animal. okay, got it."

"Casey, are you going to be okay by yourself. You worry me when you get down like this."

"I'll be fine."

"Well, alright. Say my name if you need me."

"How does Jupiter handle that Leo likes him?"

"He's open to the idea of dating Leo, but he knows that the relationship would be long distant, and unless Leo instigates, he won't do anything."

"That's a dangerous game."

"Trust me, Leo will go crazy because he craves Jupiter's attention and isn't getting it. He will make a move."

"Future or hunch?"


"Can you see my future?"

She nodded at me and smiled. Her eyes even seemed to smile.

"I sure do. And while I can't disclose much... you're happy. The turtles and you are still friends, you and Donnie are pretty close, despite this situation... ooh, and someone has a ring. Get it, Casey."

"Wh-What? How far into the future is this?"

"Can't tell you."


I smiled a little though, then pulled her in for another hug.

"Thanks, Venus. Cheered me up a bit."

"You bet. If ya need me, even for a distraction, I am there. Okay?"

"Got it."

And with that, she disappeared, leaving me alone.

I looked around the room, then went and sat down in the chair that was left here.

"I just gotta clear my mind."

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