Story 1- Part 4

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Oh boy, here comes Mikey.

My door flew open and I looked up from my blueprint and saw Mikey and Leatherhead, panic written on both their faces.

"What's up, Mikey. Everything alright?"

"I have a problem. Uh... I'm a guy, right?"

"Yeah. Last time I checked."

"Could that ever change?"


I looked from him to Leatherhead, then back at him.

"Get on the table. We're gonna draw some blood."

"O-Okay. Wh-Why?"

"Just do it. Leatherhead, get Leonardo. I don't care what he's doing."

"Right, Donatello. I'll return."

Mikey did as I said and I started messing with my instruments and preparing things.

I tied up his arm and drew blood by the time that Leo and Leatherhead came back.

"Donnie, what's wrong? What's with all the panic?"


I threw a small packet at Leo that had information about our species of turtle.

"Look for the circled paragraph. I gotta get this looked at. Mikey, you stay here. You other two, step out. Now!"

I shouted and both Leatherhead and Leo jumped a little and dashed out. I followed them and locked the door behind them, then went to the garage side and slammed it shut.

"Mikey, this is between me and you. Alright?"


"Why did you ask me that?"

"I-I've been really nauseous lately, and I was told that the kind of turtle we are can change genders."

"We can. But, our situation is weird."

"Weird how, D?"

"Our gender should have been settled when we were mutated. Our gender was decided because of Sensei. He was a male and when we mutated with his DNA, we became boys."

"Oh. That makes sense."

"But, certain things can reset that. Be honest with me, Mikey. How often do you and Leatherhead have sex?"

Mikey's face turned bright red and he started messing with his hands, avoiding eye contact.

"Ten times in the last month... I-I was the one taking."

"Ah... so... stay right there. I'm gonna get this blood sample analyzed."

"Am I alright, D?"

"Uh... for the most part you are. Hold on."

With that I started messing around with the blood culture machine, and Mikey waited. For the first time ever, he didn't fidget, he didn't get up from the table he was sitting on, he didn't move.

When the lab result came into view on my computer screen about ten minutes later, I could feel my stomach drop. I printed the results out and didn't give it to Mikey, but instead I ran out of my lab.

Leatherhead and Leo were both standing there by the arcade machine and were reading the paper I gave them.


I charged forward and punched him in the face. He fell back a little but then glared back at me.

"What did I do to deserve that!"

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