Story 2- Final Part

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"No, mom, I didn't get to."

"What? Why not?"

"We prepped and then got a call from Donnie saying Venus's baby wad on the way, so we immediately cleaned up and then I left."

"Oh, honey, that does not sound fun."

"Eh, I got a picture sent to me from Venus of the baby. And Leo was unconscious on a table next to her. Got that in the picture as well."

"Well, any names?"

"Haven't heard anything yet."

"Okay, so what's the plan right now? You still wanna marry him, right?"

"Well, yeah, but I clearly am not good at picking a good time."

"You love that turtle. I know you would do anything for him... and I regrettably have walked in on-"

"Without knocking, might I add. Glad I got my own apartment. And I'm glad it wasn't Kylie."

"I am too. Geez, you two-"

"Holy shit, mom, stop. I walked in on you and dad too. That wasn't easy for any of us."

"Well played, son."

"Later, momma. See you tomorrow?"

"Yes. Kylie and I are making carbinara right now. she gets to pick what to make tomorrow."

"Ooh, sounds bomb."

"What are you making right now, honey? I hear sizzling."

"Uh, been stroganoff, a salad, and garlic bread."

"Oh, sounds american."

"Yup. I'm an Italian raised american. Love ya, ma."

"Love you, honey. See you tomorrow."

I hung up my phone and that's when I could hear knocking coming from my window.

When I went to it I smiled and immediately opened it up.

"Hey, Brainiac. Welcome. I'm cooking dinner. You hungry?"

I watched Donnie jump in through the window, and when he closed it, he followed me into the kitchen.

"Uh, no thanks. Mikey made something tonight that really... just made my stomach turn, and I lost my appetite."

"Ah. I honestly didn't expect you to come by tonight, babe. Thought you would be at the lair helping Venus out with the baby. And your brother with the headache he probably got after passing out. Any name for the baby, by the way?"

"Lily. And I'm gonna get back, but I... uh... have to talk to you. Venus told me that you were planning to propose to me. Is that true?"

Dammit Turtle girl!

I looked at him as his face flushed red, and I couldn't help but smile.

I love it when he turns red.

"Yeah, I can't lie to you, Don."

Immediately Donnie passed out on the ground and I had to chuckle a little before I picked him up and placed him on the couch.

Once placed I took the food off the stove, grabbed the ring box and the bouquet of tahiti daffodils and then sat on the ground in front of the couch, back against it.

It took a few minutes but I eventually heard movement and turned around around got on one knee.

As soon as Donnie opened his eyes, he gasped.

"It may not be how I wanted to do it, but I still wanna do this. Donnie, will you marry me?"

He smiled for a few seconds, but then it dissipated into a frown.

"Are you sure, Casey?"

"The only thing I was more sure about was asking you out. I don't regret that. You're the best damned thing in my life. I love you."

His smile came back and he nodded at me before getting on the floor with me and wrapping me in a hug.

And I returned it instantly.

I kissed him then slid the ring on his left hand and handed the flowers off to him.

"How did you get a band this big?"

"I made it myself. Had a friend put the engraving in it."


He slid off the ring and looked on the inside immediately.

"I kept my promise. And it will stay that way. Awe."

"I want you to remember every time you look at that ring, that you mean everything to me. Every time we argue, or any time either of us has to go away for whatever reason, any time you ever feel alone, that I still love you with everything I got. Alright?"

Donnie pulled me into another hug and he didn't let go of me until his phone went off.

"Hey, Leo."

"Don, Venus is complaining about a stitch in her side. Should I be worried?"

"No. Get her a water, I'll be back down there in a few."


Dammit, Leo.

"Go on, babe. V needs you and I'll be here tomorrow. I live here after all."

He smiled at me before taking off out the window.

"Alright. Score, Casey... fuck, I gotta call mom back."

That smile of his will be in my head all night now.

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