Story 1- Part 5

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Holy shit. I've never seen him like that.

Well, I guess I have, but it was never like that. It used to happen with April, but... I mean he just body slammed a giant gator mutant.

The same gator mutant that has grabbed him by the face in his blind rages.

Why did Donnie do that?

"Ooh, get it, Casey."


Irma was the one to rip me from my thoughts and when I looked around, I no longer saw Mikey or Leatherhead standing around. It was just Irma and April.

"I knew it. You got the hots for Donnie."

"And apparently Donnie's got the hots for him, April. Did you see him go on defense for Casey? Did you see that shit?"

"I saw it, Irma."

"Oh shit. I better get going before the beast comes back. You better get in your place too, girl. When any of the turtles get in that state, they aren't themselves and tend to not care if you aren't the one they're defending."

"I will. I'm gonna talk to Casey about the situation for a bit then I'll check on Leo."


Please don't leave me with her never-ending questions.

Of course I didn't say that out loud. I just watched her leave and then looked over to April who was now sitting on the cement couch.

So I joined her.

"Casey, Donnie has his headphones in right now. He can't hear us. So talk to me."

"What's there to talk about, Red. I got the hots for him. What else do you need to know?"

"When are you gonna ask him out?"

"I don't know. Why the fuck does it matter?"

"Well, you need to get on that. Did you see him? He saw you under Leatherhead and he went attack mode."

"I saw."

"It was kind of sweet too."

"Shut up, please."

"And you are so red. Awe, Casey. I'm so excited for you. You gotta ask him out."

"After that whole thing just happened? there's a time and a place for that sort of thing, Red. And now is not that time."

"Alright, but you gotta do it."

"Why do I gotta do it?"

"You two would be so cute together. I need this to happen. This is my new OTP. Please."

Holy shit.

"I hate how much you are into my love life. You got your own to focus on right now. So focus on it."

"Come on. Get him Casey."

"Now is not the time. Eventually, maybe, now? Not so much."

"Oh fine. So what are you gonna do when he tries mate with you?"


"I mean, they are all at sexual maturity... I was almost raped by Leo about eight months ago."

"Whoa, really?"

"Yeah. And now we are dating so it's whatever. But Donnie, he missed mating season. So he might have one and it will last for three days."

"What happens during mating season?"

"Well, once a year, they all crave a person to lay with if you catch my drift. Usually, before they all had love interests, Leo told me they all just sat in their rooms and played with themselves."


"Well, yes, but also no. See, when they obsess over a person, they hunt for that person."


"Yeah. So let's stay with that Donnie's got a crush on Casey theory. If you don't make a move and Donnie doesn't make a move, then when his animal surfaces, you will be the thing he shoves his stick into."

"Holy shit."

"And he won't stop until he gets you, or until the three days are up."

"Well... shit. I got, what, four months."


"And what if the animal does get to me?"

"Uh, well, I hope you are at home."


"You don't want people to see you getting your clothes torn off by a giant mutant turtle, would you?"


"Yeah. It doesn't sound that fun. But it also depends on how desperate they are. Like third day is desperate. If they see you, it won't matter what you look like, smell like, what you're wearing. They are on you like butter on toast."

"Oh... interesting. Hmm. Well, should be fun. How do you survive?"

"Uh, I hide. I hid with Irma last time. her house is pretty much locked down tight."

"I will probably not be allowed to stay with Irma like that."

"Probably not."

"And I have no male friends... fuck my life."

"Aw, you do, they'll all just be busy then."

"Har har, shut up. Maybe I could stay with my brother, Bobby for a few days. He's cool. He'll probably let me."

"And nobody knows where Bobby lives. Except me."

"True, Red. True."

"April! Casey! I made Ramen! You guys want some?"

"Sure, Mikey. I'm coming."

"No thanks M-dawg. I gotta get home. I'll see you later. Text me the situation with you later though. Got it?"

"Yeah, dude. Got it."

"See ya later, Red. Be safe."

"You better be safe too."

"I will. You worry too much."

"Na, I think I don't worry enough."

With that I walked out of the lair and started making my way towards home.

As soon as I was out of the sewer and started walking again, my phone went off.

"Hey, sis. What's up?"

"Mom couldn't take me to ballet, can you, bubba?"

"Sure. Where are you right now?"

"I'm at home. Practice starts at six."

"What time is it?"

"Five thirty."

"Ah shit. I'll be there in five."

"Okay, bro. See ya in five."

I started running down the street dodging crowds of people as I ran.

Kylie was waiting by the entrance to the complex. As soon as she saw me she ran out, gear on. The only thing she wasn't wearing was her shoes.

"Come on, shorty. If we book it, we'll make it five minutes early."

"Right. This way."

With that we were off.

I was right. We made it with about five minutes to spare. And when I walked inside I saw a bunch of other guys from my school. Most of them looked unenthusiastic about being there.

"Uh, Kylie?"


The teacher suddenly walked out and smiled as she looked around the room.

"Well now, I have never had so many volunteers for this production."


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