Story 3- Part 12

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I guess some of the colors she was concerned about were no longer there, so she didn't visit with me long.

But, apparently she's been visiting with Donnie too.

It's been a bit since I talked to her about that, and since then I've seen Donnie laugh, he can joke around with Mikey again, he's eating, he's been inventing, he's even been smiling.

But where back to a habit I hate.

"Donnie, Casey and I are about to head to the junk yard, wanna come?"

"Why are you two going to the Junkyard?"

"I'm looking for some more parts for the subway car, and for my bike. Do you wanna go? Yes or no."

"No, thanks, Raph. You guys have fun."

Raph had gone into the lab while I waited for him outside of the lab.

When Raph came back he started walking off towards the exit. And I followed him.

We stayed quiet for a minute, but, eventually, I got tired of it.

"I hate this fucking habit, man."

"Yeah? You didn't before."

"Because I didn't care about him before, Raph. Not like this anyway. This is so stupid."

"You know why he's doing it, Casey."

"Yeah, but even Mikey was saying that it won't work again. His animal knows about me, where I live, he will be after me again, regardless of the distance."

"True. But he's still giving it a shot. What are you gonna do about this little crush of yours, since you're interested in him too. It's almost time for our animals to come out."

"Don't worry about it. I know a guy, I've gotten shit figured out."

"Well alright."

"So, what about this new thing for Amy, dude. What are you gonna do about that?"

"I don't have a thing for her. She's just... interesting."


"Case, have you sparred with her yet?"

"No. I've had other shit to do."

"Man, she's got some power behind her. She's strong, quick, and a good sport. I was honestly surprised. She even beat me once when we were sparring."

"Wow. I'm surprised you let her. You hate losing."

"Shut up."

"You used to do the same with Mona."

I looked over at him and saw his smile fade instantly.

"Whoa, man. Sorry."

"No, it's fine... I just miss her. But, she's in a better place now. I just wish I would have gotten to say goodbye before she died."

"Right. I get that. I lost my dad to a shootout. He didn't even make it to the hospital."

"How do you cope with losing someone, Case?"

"Uh... you don't cope. You remember all the good times, keep that shit with you wherever you go, and then, one day, it stops. Like, with Splinter. He's gone, but it no longer hurts. You remember the times you had together, and you miss him, but it... just doesn't hurt anymore."

"I get what your saying... I miss him too. Man, we've dealt with a lot of loss. This sucks."

"I mean, yeah, loss hurts. But then new people come in and make life seem okay again. The scar is there, but we move on."

"Okay, I get it."

"Hey, you asked for what I do. Now you got it."

"Yeah yeah. Shut up."

We fell silent and as we made it to the junk yard, a couple of other mutants were there.

"Rockwell? Slash. What's up, guys?"

"Hey, Raphael. Rockwell needed parts for something, and I'm here as lookout."

"Right on. We're here to find parts for some of our vehicles. Casey's here to help me."

"Do be careful, children. There are a plethera of things to injure yourselves on."

We both nodded at Rockwell and then made our way in.

I led Raph over to the old abandoned cars and vehicles and thus began the search.

It wasn't long before the sound of dogging was interrupted by another.

"You two want some company?"

Venus was floating by, sitting over a stack of flattened old cars, and she was smiling at us.

"Hey, V. Looking good. How'd that date go?"

"I think it went well, Casey. He seemed fairly happy. And I was too."

"Where did you guys go?"

"I turned to my human form and we went to a Mongolian grill place. He is one interesting character. Did you know that he was put under Shredder's care when he was a teenager? His dad forced him to work for Shredder, along side him."

"Wow, I didn't."

"Yeah. His story is somewhat remarkable. He is very sweet. Reminds me of another.

She looked at me and flashed me a smile, and I smiled back.

"Well, thanks, V. Momma raised me right."

"She did. A strong woman raised a strong young man. Raph, you turned out great too. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

"Eh, whatever, Venus. I didn't know you had a date."

"Yes, I did. With someone I knew a while ago. Uh, that is a story for another time.

"Aw, what? Is he the one or whatever?"

"I do not get to know that, Raphael. Jupiter does. And we aren't even technically dating yet. One date is-"

"Okay, sorry. Do us turtles get to meet this dude?"

"Perhaps, but that day is not today. So how's life been for you two? Remember, I ask because I worry, not because of small talk."

"Casey said he's got everything covered for when Donnie goes animal. That true."

"Uh, hold on."

She looked at me and her eyes glowed red for a second, and then she just laughed.


"He started singing the duck song! It caught me off guard. Uh, but he is prepared. It's just not what you would think. And that is interesting."

"Shut up, V. I do what I want."

"Psh. No judgment, Casey. I've known you for too long to judge you."


"I wanna know what the hell is going on. Tell me, dude."

"Nope. Sorry, Raph, not for you to know. Yet, anyways. You'll probably hear about later. Now, V, Raph's looking for some stuff for the vehicles they got at the lair. Wanna help?"


And we will hopefully not talk about this anymore.

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