Story 3- Part 1

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Author's Note: Alright, before we get into this short story, I must tell you guys that this one is full of trigger warnings. Specifically rape and molestation. But also blood and fighting, and crying, depression, things like that. So if you can't read it, don't. I won't listen to you complain. I'm warning you now! Other than that, proceed. Love you guys. Catch you on the flip side.


I didn't know this would happen. I didn't even know I was in trouble. Nobody told me.

Did anyone know?

Did Raph?

Why wouldn't he tell me that Donnie was interested in me.

I felt movement from behind me and I closed my eyes. I tried to stay calm so he would hopefully not be able to tell I was awake.

"Hmm? What?"

I felt him get up from the bed and then sit back down.

"Ouch... what did I just step... a hockey mask? No fucking way."

I heard motion again and it got closer to me, then he gasped.

"Oh no. I did not... please tell me I did not."

With that I heard him grab something, then he opened the window and ran out. Dawn was barely breaking at this point, so he was gonna make it home alright.

I waited a bit before I attempted to move, but I didn't get very far before the pain I was feeling got intense.

I managed to flip on my back and stair at the sceiling.

"Dammit. Why did this have to happen to me? I didn't do shit to him. And why did he do this? I didn't ever really talk to him."

After April came out as a lesbian, both Donnie and I said sorry to each other and we left it at that. I didn't really date anyone after that whole thing, and Donnie didn't seem to show interest in anyone. But he also didn't show interest in me. He actually became kind of distant. Like he didn't want me around.

There was a sudden loud knocking noise from the other room, but I couldn't move.

Then my phone went off.

"Son of a bitch."

On screen was April's name, so I clicked on her face and called her.

"Casey, hey, Irma and I are here to ask you to come to the mall with us. I mean we're all off of work today, and we're bored."

"Uh... you still got a key to my apartment."


"I need help. I can't move very well."

"Holy shit. Hold on."

The door to my room open about thirty seconds later and both Irma and April looked at me. April went slack jawed, and Irma began to sniff around.

"Hmm... Donnie was here... not quite himself. Casey is covered in small bruises all over his body, and his clothes are littered on the floor... April?"

"There's no way."

"I told you that was the case but you didn't believe me."

April looked at me and then back at Irma, then back at me again.

"Did... Donnie hurt you last night, Casey?"

"I don't wanna talk about it."

"I know what you need. Change of plans, April. I'm gonna go to the store and get him some things. I need you to draw him a bath. He definitely needs one."

"Irma, rude."

"I'm a mutant dog. The smell is overwhelming. but you're right. Sorry, Casey. But seriously, hon. Get that started for him."


"Casey, you got sweats, and loose clothing? Because you aren't gonna want your usual clothes."


"Good. Ibuprofen?"


"You'll need that too. bye."

As soon as Irma left, April looked at me, worry all over her face.

"Casey, man, what happened?"

"I didn't even do anything, April. I haven't really been able to see the turtles for a few weeks. And I've never had to keep track of the mating things."


"So when Donnie knocked on my window, I opened it up to see what he wanted, and then he... overtook me."

"You don't ever give up. So, what, with Donnie you just didn't fight him?"

"No, I did. He had drugs, April. Some kind of needle drug. I don't know what the fuck he stuck me with, but I... didn't like it. It did what he wanted, though."

"Oh no. I know what he used. Alright, I'm gonna get that bath started for you. I'll be right back."

"Thanks, Red."

She walked off and I slowly managed to sit up and look around the room. There was a mess from the fight we had in here, but I could see where what he gave me started to take affect.

I still remember it. I had kicked him down to the ground, but then I instantly got a dizzy feeling, and it got very hot.

Not hot like heat hot, but hot as in... I could feel a sudden urge. An urge I hadn't really had in a while.

Then Donnie got back up, and I couldn't get passed the dizziness, so he easily overcame me.

And he knew I couldn't fight him because he instantly started kissing me. My lips, my face, my neck... all over... I can still feel it.

"Casey, come on, the bath is ready."

"Right Red... help me out here."


"What drug did be use on me? You said you knew."

"Because he used it on me. It was a mix between a few forms of anesthesia. And some kind of hormonal thing. A little bit of everything. The only reason he didn't do anything to me was because of Irma. Do you have any clothes on?"

"I haven't been able to move much all morning. Why do you think I told you to let yourself in."

"Fair point. Why does it hurt so much?"

"Uh... I would rather not talk about it, Red."

I looked down at the bed covers and then felt a hand on my shoulder.

"You don't have to tell me, Casey. I get it. But if anyone will know about it, if you wanna talk to anyone about it, it's me. Alright? You aren't alone in this."

"Thanks, Red. I don't want the guys making fun of me for this."

"Right. Come on. And then Irma and I are all yours for the day. I'll call her and we can stream a scary movie or something."

"Thanks, April."

I could feel blood dripping down my leg as April walked with me to the bathroom. She helped me into it, then she left the room.

And then the memories came flooding back.

See? Kind of dark. If you can't handle it, this story is way longer than the other two, about 13 to 14 chapters long. The longest short story here. But there is a story after this.

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