Story 4- Part 4

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"What the fuck, Casey."

"I-I can explain, Raph."

"Did you just get a nosebleed?"

I held a piece of toilet paper under my nose but tried to look at Raph.

I could tell he was mad but he was also trying to control his anger.

"I didn't fucking mean to, man."

"You got the hots for female Donnie?"

"No. No, I liked her when she was a he."

"What? Why the fuck didn't you tell me? I would have stopped trying to get you to date Irma."

"Tell you what?"

"That you were gay."

"No, dude, I like both genders. I liked Donnie when he was still a guy... but this change was too much and I-I like women with wide hips... and seeing girl Donnie caused this."

Raph eyed me for a minute before he just sighed.

"Okay, well, I got a question for ya. And this is serious."

Oh shit.

"Alright. What?"

"Am I hot?"

Wait, not what I expected.

"For a mutant, yeah. Eye candy, not actual candy. Why?"

"Just wondering if I got something going for me."

"Well, ya ain't my type. Your girl is being controlled by Shredder along with your brother.

"And your type is being tormented by April. Is this why you've been so nice to him the past couple of years?"

"Eh, a little bit, but it also has to do with the idea that we lost with April, so there was no point in fighting. At first, it was just the April thing, but I just... got addicted to him after a few months."

"Ah. Okay, good to know. If you break him or her, I will take your kneecaps and feed them to the rats."

Ewe. Rats.

I felt a chill run up my spine, making me shiver a little.

"Good to know."

"Mhmm. Take the tissue away, Case. Let me see."


"Okay, tilt your head back."

Oh joy.

"You're done bleeding. That took ten minutes, man. Go get a drink or something and cool the hell down."

"Ah, stick it in your shell, Raph. How are you taking the change?"

"It's definitely different. It was surprising to see this morning. I'm pretty sure Donnie's done changing. She's even got the full scent now."

"Hmm. That's interesting. I might talk to my uncle about this. See if he knows anything about the potion."

"Isn't this the uncle that works on the deep sea oil rig?"

"Yeah. I usually just call him and then he tries to reach me when he can."


"Come on. Let's go check on Donerdo."

"Why do you call her that if you like her?"

"Eh, I love the name. Like when she calls me gappy. Gotta love it."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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