story 1- Part 6

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Before Raph could hit anyone I grabbed his hands and forced them to his side.

"Leatherhead has had enough trauma as is and Mikey cannot be hit right now. Keep your hands to yourself."

"Let me go, Donerdo."

"Don't hit him."

"I won't."

I let go of Raph and looked towards Leo, but then heard him move.

I recognized the motion and reached out, stopping his fist from hitting me in the arm.

"You don't get to hit me either."

"What the hell."

"Juat sit down Raphael. Donnie's got more information for us. And where the hell is Casey?"

"He said he got tricked into volunteering for his sister's ballet show."

"Ah. Alright. Thanks for being fucking helpful for once, Raph."

"Why I otta-"

"Leo, stop. We don't wanna stress Mikey out. Raph, just sit down please."

"Psh, whatever."

He listened and sat down on Leatherhead's other side.

"Alright, here is the situation. We're gonna need all hands on deck. Leatherhead, Mikey, think of a name for both genders. There might be a set gender with the mutant thing along with the gator side. We will need a crib for after he lays, some sort of source of heat, range from sixty to one hundred... Raph, you and Casey got the crib?"


April, we're gonna need bottles. Can you talk to Kirby for us?"

"You bet, Don."

"Alright, Leo, you're gonna help me prep  a space, and discuss expansion here for the infant."

"Pardon my interruption, Donatello, but why not at where I live."

"Let's be honest, Leatherhead, the only one who seems responsible over there is Mona Lisa. At least three out of the four of us here can be responsible."


Mikey shouted that and glared up at me while Leatherhead smiled.

"I wasn't talking about you, Mikey. I was talking about Raphael. The least keen on being here right now."

"Go fall down a hole you fucker."

"Well, it's probable... anyways, everyone can go. April, text Casey please?"

"Sure, Donnie. I'll text him on my way home. Leo, walk with me?"

"Yeah, babe."

"And then you come see me when you get back, Leo."

"I got it, Don."

"Raph, you're free to go for the night."


I watched him walk off then looked at Leatherhead and Mikey.

"Mikey, Leatherhead... who's got the bigger bed."

"In all honesty, D? I'm the only one with a bed."

"Indeed. I only have a stack of blankets to nest on."

"I see. Mikey, which one is more comfortable for you?"

The blankets."

"I see. It might be your instinct. Do me a favor and go clean your room. Got it?"

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