Story 4- Part 3

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I can smell again... and I smell coffee. Oh, it smells awesome!

I sat up quickly and threw the covers off of me, then went to my bedroom mirror.

Then I froze.

I no longer looked like myself. I mean, my eyes seemed a little bigger, my eyelashes were longer, my plastron had a little bit of curve, as well as the shell being thinner down the sides.

And I, for some reason, had pretty wide hips.

"What the shell is happening to me."

My voice was even higher in pitch than it was before I passed out before.


I slowly placed my hands on my hips, and dragged my hands up.

It felt real... I could feel my own touch.

"Oh my gosh... I'm a full girl. Oh boy."

I left my room and ran into the kitchen, only to see Mikey making some fried eggs. No Raph in sight.



Mikey jumped and spun around, spatula now held like a weapon.

"Oh, shit. Sorry, D. I guess I forgot you would be... whoa... uh, Raph!"


"What! I'm feeding Chompy!"

"You gotta see Donnie!"

"She's awake? No fucking way!"

I spun around as I heard someone running towards us and both Raph and Chompy ran into view seconds later.

"Whoa. What the fuck happened to you?"

"The potion did. Why? What's wrong."

"It's confusing. What the hell. You got curvy. What the fuck."

He looked at chompy, then handed him off to me.

Chompy looked at me at first, then nuzzle my hand, the part he could reach.

I couldn't help but smile at him, and he even smiled back.

"Awe, look at the baby... oh no, take him back, Raphael."

"Yeah, I think that's best. Uh, do what you need to do and continue that potion please?"

"With what? Is Mikey gonna lend me a pot to make it in?"

"No, you can't have any of them. They are mine."

Chill, little brother. Just make breakfast. Look, Don, Casey came by yesterday and left an old cauldron in your lab. He told me his uncle used to be into potions and crystal healing, and shit like that. So he left that for you."



I don't know why, but I had the sudden desire to just take off and go look.

Sure enough, right where the mess was yesterday sat a cauldron and it even had the ingredients I used before out next to it.


Wait, the heart palpitations are back. What is going on right now?

"There's no way, right?"

"What's with the shock?"

"Ah! Dammit, Raphael."

"Ha, you scream like a bitch."

"Now I am one, technically. So screw you. Where did the ingredients come from?"

"Casey and April went through your stuff to find what you need. And even bought you some more stuff that you were running low on. They wanted to make sure you were set, I guess. Geez, it's so weird to see you like this."

"I know it is. I couldn't believe what I was staring at in the mirror."

"Hey would this have an affect on your interests? Are you actually going to be able to do this or are you going to be easily distracted by girly things?"

"I should be fine. I'm still the same Donnie when it comes to my interests. That hasnt changed. Let me meditate for a minute, then get some coffee, and I will be off."

"Alright. And training is at three. But April and Casey plan on coming by when they can."

"Okay, Raphael."

"Who are you, Venus? Call me Raph."

"Sorry... I need to go meditate. I'll be in the dojo."

"Understood. I think you need it, sis. Go on."

Ever since Leo went to the dark side, along with Mona Lisa, Raph has really stepped into the leader role. He's learned to control his anger, he's able to think through stressful situations without panicking, even stopped hitting Mikey, for the most part.

But, I guess it helps that we try to listen to instructions the best that we can.

I made my way to the dojo while Raph went back to the kitchen.

In the dojo, there was a designated spot for meditating now, and it was right in front of the shelf where we put a representation of a fond memory we shared of or with Splinter. I had my first tool set that Sensei crafted for me by hand. Mikey put a teck-dec there, gift Splinter found in the trash, but it was a gift that Mikey loved. Both Leo, Raph, and Venus all put framed photos of them doing something with Splinter. Leo was meditating, Venus and Splinter were sparring, and Raph and Splinter were both feeding Spike.

I bowed in front of the shelf, then spun around and sat down.

I was only in there for twenty minutes when I heard the door to the dojo slide open.

"Hey, Don- holy shit."


That was Casey's voice but when I opened my eyes, I only saw April walking to the dojo.

As soon as she laid eyes on me, her jaw dropped.

"Whoa, Donnie, you are thick with two Cs. What happened?"

"The potion. Holy crap, why bring up my hips?"

"Are you telling me that you didn't notice those first?"

"I actually didn't. I noticed my sides."

"Oh... huh. Come on."

"What? Why?"

"I brought stuff to girl you up. Not that you need that."

"April, I don't want too."

"Come on. Please? I don't get to do girl things that much anymore. Venus was the only girl who did this sort of thing with me."

She sat down in front of me and her eyes suddenly dilated as she met my gaze.

"Dammit, I hate the puppy dog eyes. Ooh, alright. Fine. Where did Casey go?"

"He ran off towards the bathroom. Raph ran off behind him."

"Oh. Weird. Okay, so, what are we doing."

"You are going to sit down on the couch thing and I'm gonna make you look cute."

"I thought I was cute."

"Uh, more cute."

"Uh, okay?"

"Shut up and come on."

"Fine. Ya got twenty minutes. Then I gotta start working on the potion again."

"Ooh, just enough time. Come on, girl!"

She squealed then grabbed me from the dojo and started pulling me to the cement couch.


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