Story 4- Part 2

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What just happened?

What was that?

I can't seem to stop my heart from beating out my chest.

"What was all that? I don't understand."

He cleaned up my mess, he said nobody likes seeing a sad turtle... why was he being so nice?

I don't get it.

"Donnie, can I come in?"

Wait. The palpitations stopped.

I looked up and  saw April standing in the doorway. So, I waved her in and she closed the door behind her as she made her way to me.

"You alright?"

"No. But it's no longer about the gender swap thing."

"How'd this happen, Don?"

"I got exposed to the liquid before the potion was ready. The footnote did say that there would be consequences... ah shellwax. I have the ability to read a footnote but not the first instruction of the page?"


"Casey pointed it out to me. I shouldn't have used a glass beaker. It even says not to use anything outside of steep sturdy pot or a cauldron. I am such an idiot."

"Eh, anything and everything can happen. Donnie, I think you need to go and get some rest. You look stressed."

"Eh, maybe. Hey, where did Casey go?"

"He said he had to leave. His youngest sister needs him."

"What do you mean?"

"He's got two younger sisters. One twelve and one six. Well, they both need help sometimes. Sarah especially. She's got a lot of self-estem problems for being six. So he does this thing where he will pick her up and take her to a trashcan or a dumpster, then put her down away from it, remind her of how awesome she is or that she can do anything, and that always motivates her. Casey is so good with kids."


So that's what he meant. I mean, it did kind of cheer me up, not gonna lie.


"Hmm? Why what?"

"I can't get over your voice. It's so girly."

"Gee, thanks. I can't help it."

"I know, I know. Why were you asking about Casey?"

"Oh, uh, he just up and walked out. Wondering why."

"Ah. Yeah, he was summoned over to his mom's house... hey, if you're still a girl tomorrow, can I do something?"

"Depends on what you're doing?"

"Ooh, you'll see. By the way, if your brothers mock you, let me know. I'll kick their shells."

"Well, thanks, April."

"I better go now."

"Yeah, probably for the best. I gotta keep working on this."

"What? You mean you aren't gonna go and rest?"

"I-I can't really rest until Leo's back on our side where he belongs. And I thought you wanted him back. You two started dating right before it all happened."

"I mean yeah. But, look, that potion will make you tired. So you can either just go ahead and lay down, or pass out on your lab floor."

"It won't make me tired."

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