Story 2- Part 2

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"So, April cheated on you?"

"Yeah. With two other dudes. She's such a bitch."

"She didn't blame you, though."

"She didn't. She said she couldn't keep to herself... so yeah. We broke up."

"Ah. Wow. She still sleeping around?"

"Yeah. Donnie caught her. She's got mono and when Donnie went and looked in her mouth, he said there was bruising or something-"

"In the back of the throat. Ha! So good."

"You are way happy? Why are you so fucking happy?"

"I know shit that you don't know."


"Yeah. Someone in your universe likes you. And you're too dumb to notice it."

"So you got yourself a boy then. What's he like then. Since you're bragging."

"I ain't telling you shit. But I will tell you this. It ain't a boy."

Wait, what?

I glared at her a moment before shaking my head.

"Why you gotta yank my chain like that?"

"I'm not. I got myself a girlfriend and she is the best thing in my fucking life. I don't think you understand how lucky I feel with having her."

"No I fucking don't. How could I like the same sex."

"Well, if it's like how I fell, it started with the small things. I started noticing small things like how she smiled, how she noticed certain signs about her family and friends. She always knew when her sister was upset, always knew when to step in between her sisters fighting... her smile."

"I get it."

"Well, after that, it was every move she made. When she was upset, she would slouch a bit, lock herself away in... her favorite place, and then she would just listen to music. When she was relaxed, not stressed, she would work on things she's been avoiding because it was too tedious... when she was happy-"

"Okay. You're making me want the same person."

"And you can have your universe's version of her. I love her. So fucking much, man. She's the best."

"How long have you two even been together?"

"Uh, we've been together a year and a half. Well, a year and eight months."

"Ah. How old are you guys even?"

"Uh, Twenty. I'll be turning twenty one in about a month."

"Turning nineteen in a month... damn. So am I gonna find him, this amazing dude, in my future?"

"Well, if I know Donna, she would remind me that not all universes, even the ones that appear the same, have all the same events."


"Getting lonely?"

"Eh, my best friend's been spending a lot of time with his girlfriend."

"My girl, Rachel, she did the same. Her man had most of her attention for a while there."

"Ah. What did you do to combat that?"

"Spent time with whoever would let me."

"The only person available is Donnie, and he doesn't want me around."

"Ever think it's because of how you treat him?"

"Pssh, I don't like to think."

"Maybe you should try it. Pay attention to how you treat others."

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