Story 2- Part 7

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Hmm. It's been a few days since Casey's been down here. I talked to Raph about it, but Raph didn't say anything about it besides that he didn't know what was happening.

Mikey said that Casey needed his space because of some big argument with Leo, though.

Both Donna and I were confused by the looks of concern I was getting from her sisters right before they left.

Even Caesar looked sympathetic towards me.

It was strange to see.

"Hey, Donnie?"


Aw, dammit.

"Hey, April. What's up?"

"You seen Casey? He hasn't been at his house for a few days. I've been checking on him and shit, but nothing."

"Oh... hmm. Sorry, April. I haven't seen him lately. Talk to Raph. He might know."

"Got it. Are you okay?"


I looked up from my blueprint and saw that April had moved from the lab entrance to the other side of my desk.

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You don't seem like yourself."

"Uh... I'd rather not tell you."

"Well... alright. Oh, I do have something to say to you."


"I'm sorry for how I treated you these past few months. I've been really irritable lately, but I shouldn't have taken that out on you. Any of you. And I'm sorry."

I stared at her a moment. Then looked back down at my blueprint.

"You started tharapy again, didnt you?"

"Yeah... I didn't like how I treated everyone, wanted to get to the bottom of it... I got to the bottom of a lot of issues... also wanted for apologize to Casey as well... do you forgive me, Donnie?"

I looked at her again, taking note of her sincere smile, then I grabbed my pen and looked at my blueprint again.

"Sure, April. You're family. I'd deal with you, even in that quick to anger state of mind you were in. Can't be family if you can't deal with the good and the bad."

"Thanks, Donnie."

I heard her move and looked up in time to be wrapped in a hug by her.

I returned it.

When she let go of me a few seconds later, she waved to me, then walked out of the lab.

I turned back to the blueprint and started outlining a design for a toaster oven, because Mikey has been nagging me non-stop for it. And I don't expect Casey or April to get us one.

But a couple minutes later my lab door opened up again and April ran through, but then Raph and Mikey ran in, grabbed her, and ran back out.


Don't even bother, Donnie. You might get more confused.

She seemed excited about something. Strange. I wonder why Mikey and Raph did that.


Oh no. I hate it when Leo yells my name. Usually means that I'm in trouble. And I haven't even done anything wrong. That I can recall anyways.

Leo came into the lab, but the lab door didn't close. I could see my brothers and April watching from just outside the door.


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