story 1- part 3

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Another day of bullshitting my way through school. I fucking hate this shit.

But, I guess it's not all bad. I can actually talk with Red again.

Only took me two months. And she's gonna meet me outside my complex and walk with me.


I looked up from my phone and saw her running towards me, a smile on her face.

As soon as she made it to me we started walking, but her smile never faded.

"What's got you in a good mood, Red?"

"I have found out a few things about a few of my friends. Also, I heard you and Raph went on a motorcycle ride yesterday."


"You're bike doing okay?"

"Yeah, she is. I gave her a tune-up about a week ago. She's doing great."

"Awesome. And my next question is somewhat important to me, and I know when you're lying. So, be prepared.

"Oh, what did I do now?"

"Nothing... yet."

I eyed her and immediately took note of the smile. It was the smile she wears when she's up to no good.

"Okay... I'll bite. What's up?"

"Do you like Donnie?"

"Why are you asking me this?"

"Just answer the question, Jones."

"No, I don't."

She looked at for a few seconds later, then just shook her head.

"Why do you always try to lie to me about this sort of thing?"

"What are you-"

"You can't lie to me. The only person who can successfully lie to me is Splinter. You like Donnie. Since when did you like Donnie?"

"Uh... I really don't wanna talk about this."

"Was it, oh, I don't know, two months ago, right after I started dating Leo?"

"What the fuck. I knew people would think that. Do ya really think so lowly of me, April? Why the fuck would I just decide to crush on-"

"Okay, okay. So, when did you start liking Donnie?"

"What is up with you, Red. You never really come at me like this."

"Look, Donnie's like a brother to me. I wanna make sure he isn't gonna get fucked over."

"What makes you think I would ask him out?"

"Oh please, you're Casey Jones. Why wouldn't you?"

"He doesn't date dudes."

"Did he tell you that?"

"No, but-"

"Then how do you know?"

I didn't say anything as a response, instead I just rolled my eyes and looked straight ahead.

"I ain't talking about this with you, Red."

"Okay. Will you just answer my initial question. When did you start liking Donnie?"

"Uh... let me think... It's been a while. Uh, back at the farmhouse, after that whole mutant car thing."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah. I mean I liked you too then, but I got so fucking stressed anytime he went out of his way to something dangerous or any time he tried to do something for you, low-key jealous. Of him hitting on you, but also jealous-"

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