Story 1- Final Part

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Movie, that's what I picked. We went to a drive-in, in my uncle's car, and we sat in the back of the lot. Just so Donnie wouldn't get spotted. It was fun. But in all honesty, we didn't watch much of any of the movies.

After that initial date, things changed a little bit between us. Anytime I hurt myself or Raph and I fought, I could always feel him watching, just to ensure I was okay or if he needed to step in.

It's been almost a year since we started dating, and, one thing I wish I was ready for was how smart and patient his animal was. He waited until everyone else went through their mating season, waited until everyone's guard was down... then he got me.

Not saying it's a bad thing... I was honestly a little insulted at first.

It was fun too.

Dammit, I'm turning red.



I looked up from where I was and saw Donnie standing there at his lab table and he was working on something.

But he looked concerned.


"I said your name three different times. You alright?"

"Uh, yeah. Just thinking. What are you up to, babe?"

"I... well... I've been trying to work the kinks out of this project I've been working on. It started out as a side project, but then Leo found out about it, and it became my main focus."

"Of course it has. Hey, Kylie text you?"

"I haven't look at my phone in a while. Leo! I think I got it!"

I moved to the other side of the lab table and saw a set of four bracelets. Two bigger than the other two.

Way bigger.


Leo ran in, an excited smile on his face. Donnie handed the bracelet things to him and then Leo ran off again.

"Whoa, never seen that guy get that excited."

"The last time he got laid. Not that long ago either."

"It's weird that you know that."

"If Leo doesn't brag, April does. Hey, I haven't seen Irma since you guys all graduated. How's she doing?"

"Uh, she's doing okay from what she texted me. She misses Slash. Plans on coming down the week of Thanksgiving and hanging with him."

"Good. And what about you, Hon?"

"I'm scheduled to go back to school next semester. Bobby wants me to take over his business."

"He works on cars, doesn't he?"


"You're good at that, but it makes sense to go to school and learn more."

"I gotta go to school for regular shit first."

"Which I will help you with."

"And Thanks for that, D."

"Donnie! Come Here!"


He instantly became alert as Leo shouted for him, then he gestured for me to stay put before running out.

I listened, and started messing around with things on his desk. Basically tools that I recognized, some empty beakers close by, anything I could mess with, I did.

Until I heard footsteps coming back to the lair.

Leo suddenly busted through the door to the lab, and he had the same smile on his face.

"Casey, dude, you gotta see what this device can do."

"Uh, okay."

What is happening?

I followed Leo out into the lair's sitting area and saw a guy standing there. He had long-ish hair, long enough to cover his ears, and he had tan skin, like he had been out in the sun a little too long and browned.

Kind of a round nose.


"Uh, why the fuck is there a human around here?"

"It's Donnie. He made these so that we had more options to do things with you and April."


"What do I look like?"

I didn't know what to say, but I didn't have to say shit. Leo spoke for me.

"You look Sumoan... hawaiian? The nose is throwing me off."

"Thanks, Leo. Do you wanna be the one to test these out later? I need someone to wear them around for a few hours."


And just like that, the turtle I liked to stare at appeared in front of me, mask less. Leo turned human a few seconds, looking very similar to how Donnie did, but he had that royal blue eye color.

Then he ran off to his room.

I walked over to Donnie and wrapped him in a hug.

"Whoa, Case. You good, hon?"

I looked at him, then kissed him.

"I love you the way you are, Don. I don't care what we do, as long as I get to do it with you."

"I just thought you'd be getting bored of doing the same things with me."

"Well, I might later, but right now, no. I enjoy every minute that I get to have with you. Even if you just sit there and read while I play video games, we watch a movie at my house, whatever it is. You and your time is all I want."

I could see his eyes water a little as he looked at me, then he just gave me a big grin.

"I definitely got lucky with you, honey."

"You bet your shell you did. Now, Kylie texted you."

"Right. What did she want?"

"Her and mom are gonna go see my aunt, who lives a state over. She was wondering what she should bring with her?"

"Ah. Yeah, I'll get back to her."

"You know, Donnie. It'll just be me at the house for a few days. Maybe you could come by and we can have some fun."

Donnie's face immediately turned bright red, then his pupils shrunk.

"I do like the sound of that."

He leaned in and kissed me again, gentle yet demanding.

It only lasted for a few seconds again, but I wanted it to last a bit longer.

"When do they leave?"

"Tomorrow morning"

He smiled at me and nodded.

"Then I'll meet you at your place tomorrow night. Hey, Casey."


"I love you."

I hugged him tightly again, resting my head on his shoulder.

"I love you too, D."

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