Story 3- Part 8

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"I hate this."

"What do you mean, bro? I make great spaghetti."

"It's not that, Mikey. I hate myself. Just leave me alone. I ate, I had water, I'm going back to my lab."

"Are you really not willing to talk about this yet? This happened over a month ago."

"Leave it, little brother. I know you're just worried, but I would rather just sit by myself for now."

"Alright. Fine. But what are you gonna do now that your animal had been exposed to Casey. He will go after him when he's out again."

"I-I don't know. But I got five more months to figure it out. Now bye."

I walked out of the kitchen and spotted Raph and Irma talking while a giant salamander looking creature stood off to the side. She seemed to be staring at Raph.

But her gaze shifted instantly to me, and then to Mikey.

"Michelangelo. Wonderful to see you."

"Amy, hey. Come here, Donnie. You gotta meet this chick."

I really don't wanna meet anyone new.

But I followed him over to where they stood.

I helped out my hand and she looked at it, then immediately shook it.

Then she bent down and got really close to my face. And these things popped up from the side of her head and started waving slowly back and forth.

"Hmm... you are quite interesting."

Uh, what?

"Thank you, uh, Amy?"

"I wouldn't be so sure that it's a good thing to be interesting to her in that state. She senses your distress and she can see your emotions as colors. It's pretty cool."

"Oh. How was I suppose to know that, Irma. Sorry, Amy, I am not in a good mood. Might want to meet me at another time."

"I see. Well, good to meet you, Donatello. You are all fairly interesting."

With that I went to my lab and sat down at my desk.

I heard my phone buzz and when I looked at it, I saw two notifications sat on the screen.

"You got a text, Don... thanks, V."

I looked at the number, immediately dropped my phone.


"Why not?"

"Ah! Holy sewer apples, Venus. Why are you trying to give me a heart attack!"

She smiled at me, then made her way over to me and folded her legs up in there, suspending herself in front of me.

Some of her abilities remind me of the Cheshire Cat from Alice and Wonderland.

"I have to let you know that you need to read the text. It is a somewhat important text. Hey, did you know that Casey was friends with the guy I hurt years ago?"


"Yeah, well, neither did I. And I check on all of you regularly. I only know because I was getting involved, twisted Irma's arm so she would hand over your letter, and Jeremy, the guy's name, ran into Casey while we're talking. He isn't quite past what I did, which I can't blame him for."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"Not as sorry as you're gonna be if you don't look at that text you got from him. You have a text that might hold the thing you need. Just look at it."

"Alright, Alright. Keep your cape on."

"By the way, that Axalotyl character is interesting. She isn't lying either. Irma found her being tormented after she was changed. She use to be kick boxer."

"Interesting. She was very calm for a fighter."

"Yeah, and between you and I, Raph might take a while to warm up to her, but he will fall for her."

"No way."

"Yeah, so hush."

"Right, sorry."

I picked up my phone and stared at the name on screen for a second.

"I-I don't think I can do this."

"You gotta. Come on."

"Ugh... okay. Here I go."

When I clicked on his name I saw a short text pop up.

"I can't forget about what happened, Don, but I can forgive it... oh shit... but, wait, what does he mean by that?"

"I think it just means that he can look passed what you did to him. It might be awkward between you two, but he can forgive you for what you did."

"Oh... okay, that's good. I still feel bad."

"Donnie, he's worried about you. He may not have liked what you did to him, but he doesn't want you to feel bad about it anymore."

"How do you know?"

"He saw you briefly here, didn't he?"


"Could you read him at all?"

"No. He looked stressed when he saw me. Like he thought I was gonna attack him again."

"Nope. He didn't. He saw your sadness. He looked you right in the eye and saw your sadness. He may have wanted you to hurt, but enough is enough. Even he knows that you weren't in your right mind when all this happened."

"I guess."

"Now that he has forgiven you, Don, you gonna forgive yourself?"

"Mmm, I don't know if I should."

"Alright, you either forgive yourself, go take a shower, then lay down and get some sleep, or I throw you into a Neverending pit where you fall until I pull you back."

"What the shell. What kind of threat is that."

"Not a threat. It's a promise. Donnie, it ain't fair to hate yourself. The only thing you should hate yourself for is for triggering your animal in the first place."

"You didn't-"

"I did see it. I saw what he looked like inside and out. He covered the bruises well, and the girls both helped him. You need to forgive yourself. You want Casey to be upset every time he sees you?"


"Because he got upset today at the site of you so broken."

"I don't believe you."

"And why would I lie about it?"

"I don't know... I just don't believe he could-"

"Wait a few days, then go and see him in person."

"I-I can't do that."

"You want answers. Go and get them. But wait a couple days. Right now you are gonna go shower, brush and floss your teeth, and then go lay down. Got it?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

I immediately stood up and made my way to the exit. And Venus followed me. But she went out and went to meet the axalotyl girl while I went and did what I was told.

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