Story 3- Part 2

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I really did it... I should have told someone about my crush. They could have kept an eye on me. I mean I wasn't lying that I didn't like April anymore. I really didn't but... I kept my crush on Casey to myself. I kept my distance from him the best I could. Even to the extent that if I knew he was coming over, I'd find a way to lock myself away.

I really tried to ignore it all.

I hate myself.

A knock on the door sounded and I looked up in time to see Irma and Leo stomp in.


"What did you do to Casey?"

Oh no.

"What do you mean, Leo?"

"Irma said that your scent is all over Casey's room, and Casey isn't in the greatest shape."

"What's wrong with him?"

"He won't talk about it. But Irma apparently knows. He didn't have to say anything about it, she could smell it. Donnie, did your animal come out?"

I could feel the panic set but I nodded slowly at him.

"Oh shit. Why did he come out early?"

"I-I don't know. Maybe it was because of some of the chemicals I was working with? What do you want from me. I don't even know why my animal went after him."

"Well you owe him an apology."

"That's not a good idea right now, Leo. He isn't going to want to see me. I raped him."

"He said you drugged him too."

I did?

I figured that would have to be the case if I was even gonna get close.

"He has a point, Leo... Donnie, don't do that to him again. If I hear you did that again, sound mind or not, I'll be the one to turn you into turtle soup."

"Irma, I'm sorry I did it, I don't know why I did it, and while I will take some responsibility, I couldn't control myself."

"Animal Donnie should understand this. I am not one to take his behavior lightly. He should remember that after what he tried to do to April. I know his game. He won't get to play it again, believe me."

I nodded at her and they both left, leaving me to myself.

So I sat down and laid my head down on my desk.

I didn't expect to suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder, though.

When I did, I sat up quickly and looked over.

But all I saw was Jupiter.

Jupiter was a turtle mutant, just like us. His skin was army green. He likes wearing white. He also has a twin who got mutated with him, but her skin was spring green and she liked wearing black.

He and his sister were both magic... and they co-lead a clan in Japan... but I befriended both of them.

"What, Jupiter?"

"Venus said she could sense your sadness but she's busy with training a new member. She sent me... you do seem rather upset. Would you care to discuss it?"


"I see... perhaps it has something to do with Mr. Jones."

I froze at his words and he looked at me. Then he moved to sit down on the ground beside me.

"Donatello. What seems to be the matter."

"I didn't wanna hurt anyone. I really didn't. I didn't know my experiments would lead to my animal coming out. I just... I don't know."

"I see. But you are not telling me everything, Donatello."

I looked at him, then at my desk. It stayed dead silent for a minute... then I reached in and grabbed a stack of papers, about an inch thick stack, and handed it to him.

"There. Look through that."

Peculiar. Looks like a large stack of articles printed from the internet."


"Hmm... give me one minute."

Right, Venus and Jupiter are both good at using their magic to quick read.

I watched his eyes glow blue, then his hands and the stack of paper shortly after.

It stayed like that for a few minutes, longer than usual, and it was the longest wait I've had to do in a while.

But then he just dropped the papers on the ground and looked at me, a look of sadness visible as he stared.



"Why are you looking up these articles? I mean, if you're gay, you should embrace it, not look for a way to "fix" yourself. There is nothing wrong with you."

"Oh yeah? Then riddle me this; why are none of my brothers like me."

"Becusse we are all made to be different in some ways. You are allowed to like who you like... and who told you that your brothers aren't."

"What do you mean?"

"Your brother, Leonardo is interested in a male."

"Really? Who?"

"Me. But he does fear the same thing. Is this why it was so easy for you to get passed April?"

"I mean, probably. I was trying to convince myself that I like girls... overkill, for sure."

"It was. I think you tricked yourself there for a second. But, Donnie, you aren't broken, you aren't the only one, and you are allowed to pursue who you want... although if what you want is Casey, you will have to wait."

"Dammit. I feel so bad for what I did. I didn't know that would happen."

"What sort of experiments did you run?"

"I confirmed my feelings... then I started figuring out ways to fix it. One way was chemically and I could see what they were going for, but they weren't using the right things... so I started experimenting... a few mixes later my animal side took over."

"I see. Tragic... well, find a way to say sorry that doesn't involve seeing him."

"I really am...I mean... I-I do like him, but I-I didn't ever think I would go after him. One of the reasons I kept my distance from him."

"If you didn't catch his scent, you wouldn't change. And if you did, you were less likely to chase him. I get it. Well, I'll leave you to contemplate. You are allowed to like who you want. Don't do anything like that again. Venus will be watching you now."


"Yup. Don't do this. Not I have to do something else. And this one is personal. Excuse me."

"Wait... I have an odd request. Could you open my memory from the night before. I want to know what I did to him that hurt him so much."

"Mmm... I won't be the reason you get upset even further. But if you really want to know, go meditate. You know that always works."

With that he disappeared. So I locked up the lab, sat down in the only empty corner in there, then started meditating.

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