Story 3- Part 7

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For the next three days and three nights, I stayed with Irma and April. I hated it. I mean, I loved hanging out with them, but I could tell I was getting on April's nerves.

I was glad to get home after that. Everything looked okay, and Irma did a look around to make sure they were okay.

Now it's been a few weeks since that happened, and I was down in the lair with Raph, watching him play games.

"How's work going, Casey?"

"Eh, it's alright. I'm making good money, so I'm doing okay."

"You still the goat when Karen's run in?"

"Yeah. Mother fuckers don't know how to control their anger. I'm bad at it, but I'm way fucking better at it than anyone I work with."

"Don't you work with x-prisoners?"

"Shut up."

"Ha, what's the worst Karen situation you've dealt with?"

"Ah, it was one of our regular Karens, dude. Straight bitch. She came in and accused us of smearing mustard all over all her handles."

"What? That is so specific."

"And fucking stupid. We got cameras in the shop. We'd know. And it wasn't, like, smeared on the underside of the handles, it was smeared all over it. Why the fuck would we do something that could be seen by cameras and caught by our other mechanics."

"She sounds like a dumb cunt."

"Yeah, you right. She was fucking terrible. And we banned her from our shop after that happened."


"Hey, have you seen the new mutant that Irma saved?"

"What? No. She saved a mutant?"

"From Shredder's team. They had her in that torture box you guys got stuck in a while ago."

"Wow, another mutant. Keep it up and we'll have a city of mutants. What does she look like?"

"She looks like a human turned... to... oh what was it called... son of a bitch."

"Axalotyl, Casey."


Mikey spoke up and he was leaving the kitchen, walking towards us.

"Have you met her, Mikey?"

"Yeah, Raph. Slash and Leatherhead and I were chilling when Irma brought her over. She's cute. And a lot like Mona Lisa. Why we didn't introduce you, Dude. I hate to see you cry."

"Shut up, Mikey."

Right. Her death still hurts him.

"It's okay, man."

"Yeah, whatever."

Mikey walked passed us and to the lab. He had to open the door with a key to get in.

"What's going on, Raph?"

"Eh, just watch. You'll see. And hear."

Uh, okay.

"Again? You were just in here, Mikey."

"Nope, it's the fifth now. It's been three days. Come on, you need food and water. I made spaghetti. Let's go."


Mikey walked out a few seconds later, and he was dragging Donnie behind him.

Donnie looked horrible. He looked exhausted, I could see the dark rings under his eyes, and he looked pale, which is weird to see.

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