Story 2- Part 8

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"Leave him alone, dammit! I shouldn't have to do this all the fucking time! You shouldn't be up his ass like this! What the fuck are your kids gonna think if they see you treating Donnie like this!"

"Leave my kids out of this!"

"Then Leave Donnie alone before I kick your shell!"

I hate it when they fight.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked over to see Venus standing there next to me. She nodded towards the exit to the lab that lead towards the tracks, so I followed her. Once out she started leading me away from the lair.

"Let's talk for a moment, Donnie. It has been a minute since we've been on a walk together."

"Alright. I could use the peace and quiet."

"So can I. I'm glad we can do this now... I'm not gonna beat around the bush, Donnie. I've been noticing that your brother is becoming more hostile towards you and Casey. Why is that?"

"I don't know. They were doing okay for a while there. I couldn't tell you. I mean you helped him get over his dislike to me dating another male. You tell me."

"I couldn't tell you. And the future has so many branches. I don't know what's gonna happen next."

"I don't really expect you to have all the answers... I do wanna know why Leo just started yelling at me. I didn't do anything. I was working on synthesizing more mutagen like he asked me too, and he just... I don't know, lost it."


We stayed quiet for a minute, but I eventually just shook my head and looked at Venus.

"I can't understand everything. Uh, how are you feeling right now? you're due any day now."

"Sick. Been sick the whole nine months and it's driving me crazy. But, hey, I'm excited. I can't wait to meet her. I wonder what she's gonna look like. The futures are endless."

"She's gonna look adorable with your DNA."

"Well thank you, Donatello."

"Have you talked to Jupiter since you got pregnant?"

"Yes. He told me that Lea just got pregnant last month. I told him to keep going on his walks because Lea will get even more overwhelming."

"Oh boy."

"Rachel and Caesar's kid is doing alright. It's a boy. They named him Rebel."

"Bet you he's a cutie."

"He is. I'll have to show you sometime. Donna and CJ adopted a kid, if you could believe it. And it was hard for the child to adapt to the situation, but she did eventually. Very sweet girl. She's about five... Damn. Hey, how long have you and Casey been together?"

"Uh, been about three years. Almost four."

"Hmm... Have you thought about marrying him?"

"W-Well, it has crossed my mind. but I don't want to pressure him into anything."

"Would you marry him if he asked you?"

"Yeah. I've loved every minute of being with him. I mean, I don't enjoy the fights, but we always work everything out in the end."

"True. And better than Me and Leo. And we've been together a long time. I haven't heard you guys argue in a while,  though."

"Eh, we both learned that there's a way to approach things, and yelling isn't it. Nor for us anyways. Discuss it when it comes up sort of thing."

"Ah. And you were never really one for yelling. It usually made situations worse if you got yelled at."

"Yeah... uh, can we talk about something else please?"

"Sure... but can I say something, brother of mine?"


She stopped walking and she fully faced me and smiled at me.

"You are a good mutant, Donnie. I don't think your family or Casey knows how luckythey are to have you. Your inventions have saved the day more times then they can count, and nobody makes Casey happy like you do. I can sense it."

My eyes started watering and I pulled her in for a hug.

"Thank you, Venus."

"Sometimes it's nice to hear good things from your family. And I don't think you've heard it in a while."

I let her go then wiped the tears from my eyes before trying to smile.

"I hear it from Casey, but nobody else."

"Well, never forget that, okay?"

"Okay. Thank you, Venus."


Before we started walking again, though, she grabbed her stomach.

"Oh no."

"Oh no?"

She looked down at herself, and I followed her gaze to see water dripping down her leg.

"Oh no. Your water broke. Oh boy. Let's get you back to the lair."

"I'm fine."

"As your doctor, I'm not stupid. Come on. I'll call Leo and let him know."

"Okay, fine."

"Are you having contractions?"

"Yes. Twenty minutes apart."

"Alright. We got time. Let's move. If you need to lean against me you can."

"Thank you, Donnie."

She immediately gripped on my arm and the grip tightened, her fingers death gripping my arm until it numbed seconds later.



"Alright. I'm calling Leo."

I pulled out my phone and we stopped walking as her grip got even tighter.

Leo didn't pick up, so I called someone who always answers.

"Hey, love. Everything alright?"

"Yes and no. Uh, Venus's water broke and we are on our way back from our walk. Tell Leo."

"Son of a bitch. Dammit. I should have listened to her and done this yesterday. Alright. We'll prep. Leo!"

He hung up the phone and I looked at it for a second before looking towards Venus. She heard what Casey said. I could tell but how she was looking at me.

"Alright, we're walking, and why we walk, you tell me what's going on."

"Okay, fine. Casey was gonna ask you to marry him, and I told him to do it sooner than scheduled because I knew this baby would be out soon, but he didn't. And now... this."

"He was gonna propose? When?"

"Well, the fight that Leo and Casey got into was fake. It gave me a reason to get you out for a bit."

"Awe... Aw, dammit. Oh well, perhaps another time. You and baby are now priority. Let's move."

"Got it."

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