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I've only ever experienced one trauma in my life. And it was the worst thing I've ever been through. It's hard to explain so I'll let you see for yourself.

August 21, 2015

"Mom! I'm okay, I've been eating everything is great! Me and Stacy are staying in a hotel for the next week and we will be fine! I got to go now, I love you." I calmed my voice to a sincere tone out of respect.

"Okay Cone, I love you too baby. Be safe and call me if anything, and I mean ANYTHING goes wrong!" Mom said quiet enough for only us to hear.

A few more things were said before we both hung up leaving me to go downstairs alone. I lied, the only thing I did best. Me and Stacy broke up, she left me. She claims we were never dating and it was only an illusion. That I wanted to believe we were together. I don't know why I didn't see it before, but she was a terrible person. Still is and definitely always will be. The only sad thing is that I truly loved her. Until I met Heather.

A/N- Yes, yes I did. Heather is going to be the main character in this story. And she definitely loves Conan back, but he has no clue. Just like she doesn't know he's in love with her.

I sat on the edge of the couch waiting for Heather to answer my text.

-Heather, I know your in town, would you mind stopping by?

Heather- omg Conan I'm so sorry! I had no clue you even texted! I'll be right over, where are you staying?

I gave her my address and she told me she'd be over in 30 minuets. I asked if she could bring some donuts and she agreed.

I'm in my last year of school and I'm excited to finally graduate. Unfortunately it's only the very beginning of the school year so I have a while to wait.

People say to treasure your last moments of school because next thing you know, your 35 and living in your moms basement. Okay maybe not but, whatever. I'd rather get the hell out of that place instead of 'treasure' it. Wtf?

The kids at my school are jealous of me because my best friend is Heather Blake. Of course, she's the prettiest and sweetest girl in school. Everyday, jerks say shit like 'you don't have a chance' or 'she doesn't like you, bozo' like no shit Sherlock.

I've never been the one to fight or throw hands on anyone, not even a small shove- I'm a very soft person and that's what I hate most about my self. I can take a punch, but I've never been the one to throw one. Heather, on the other hand, is a complete badass. And I guess that's why we get along so well. We are total opposites of each other,

I sat, deep in thought, until I was brutally interrupted by a loud ass knock against the door of the small apartment I'm staying in.

"Who is it?" I said peeking through the peep hole.

"Heather, dipshit. Open up." I laughed as I unlocked the door and she jumped into my arms.
"I wish I had known you were in town earlier then I found out- how have you been." She smiled gently at me waiting patiently for a response.

"Amazingly terrible." I shrugged and she gave me a concerned look with her eyebrow raised. "Stacy dumped me. She says we were never a 'thing' and that I only imagined us together because I'm that type of pathetic piece of shit." She was now giving me a shocked expression.

"You know, I always hated her. And your relationship with her- or whatever was going on... wasn't healthy for you. She was a total bitch and very controlling." I nodded as she continued to talk shit about my ex. Or whatever she was/is.

"So, what have you been up to? Anything special... anyone special?" I smirked.

"Hell no, I'm single as a Pringle and definitely not ready to mingle. Well, except with this one person." I gave her a serious look, almost... hurt? This has always happened to me, the only person I want, doesn't want me?


I nearly choked on my water when he asked the one thing I wasn't ready to answer.

"So, what have you been up to? Anything special... anyone special?" He teases. I love Conan, more so in a way I shouldn't. He's my best friend and if he were to find out about how I imagine him, shit would go downhill. And that's not what I want. It's already a privilege that I get to be this close to him. (Not physically) Now I realized I had taken too long to not answer.

"Hell no, Single as a Pringle and definitely not ready to mingle. Well, except for this one person. But let's not talk about that." I said titling my head to capture his facial expressions. He didn't seem to happy with my answer. He didn't seem mad, but almost hurt? Or sad! "Look, I'm sorry about you and Stacy. She totally wasn't worth your time. Illusion or not, she was a cunt. She doesn't deserve you and you don't need her. Especially when you've got me." I winked smiling as he let out a dry laugh.

"Your right. And thank you for not judging me, ever-" I laughed and hugged him tight, letting go a few seconds later. "Do you want to stay over? There's another empty room just down the hall!" I nodded and smiled again, not being able to help it. Okay now I'm sure I looked like a psycho.

Wiping the smile from my face, I follow Conan to the extra guest bedroom he was talking about. Although this was temporarily his home, it was very nice, and the theme and aesthetic totally suited him. I thanked him as he helped me get situated into the room and he eventually left about 20 minuets later.


Amazing, now she will be staying with me for a whole month! Let's just hope I don't get too attached to her presence, because once this month ends, I'm headed back to LA with my mom. And even though Heather will be in LA as well, she won't be at school for 2 months because her sister is going to be moving out, and between you and me, (her dad is an alcoholic).

The last thing I remembered before falling asleep, was the sound of raindrops, hitting the roof of my- our apartment.


A/N- so like... yes or no? Cause this chapter can easily be deleted! :)

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed because I put my back into this. And the little brains I got left. ;) Please vote if this has lived up to your expectations and it isn't as trashy as I'm making it out to be. Ily and tyy!
-T 🤍

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