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Uhm, so I'm literally an emotional wreck today. I've cried 3 times to be exact lol. Not to mention, Heather and Conan are having a fucking baby!


I sat in front of the toilet, throwing up everything I had for dinner lastnight.

I was excited but still in disbelief that I'm going to be growing a human for 9 months. I am sort of nervous, but Conan, well... he's a different story.

He's been through 4 moods today.

1. "Am I going to be a good father?" He questions for the 80th time this morning, then that leads to a mental breakdown as he lists 30 reasons why he would be a terrible dad.

2. "I'll be the best dad ever." He says as he goes over scenarios that are most likely, not going to happen.

3. "Can it be a junior?" He asks as I look at him with a disgusted look plastered across my face.

4. "It's definitely going to be a boy, but I really want a girl." I look at him with a bored look as he has said that 4 times this past hour.


Yes he's excited but he's driving me up and down the damn walls.

"Baby..." I grabbed Conan's arm to stop him from bouncing on the bed. He looked at me with a smile before bending over, lifting my shirt, and kissing my belly.

"Hi baby, this is your daddy speaking. I love you so much and I can't wait to meet you." I smiled as I began rubbing his head out of a comfort habit.

"Sweetheart, we need to talk about something." He looked up at me and nodded slowly. "I totally get that your excited, since your going to be a father and all, but your acting like a kid who just had his first piece of chocolate." I giggled and he rolled his eyes playfully.

"I'm sorry, my love, I just can't wait." I nodded and pulled him down to lay beside me as I kicked a leg over his thigh an rested my head on his chest. "I love you, H." He said as I felt butterflies in the pit of my stomach.

"I love you too, baby." I said as I felt my self drift off to a comfortable sleep.





So it's November, and Heather is officially 5 months pregnant and she has now grown a baby bump. I'm still in disbelief that I'm going to have a child.

Today is the 28th and December is creeping up on us like crazy. The temperature has already dropped and it's already passed Halloween, in which we did nothing but ate candy and watched horror movies.

Today, I went on a website and possibly.... bought tickets to fly all the way to London for the holidays. Heather has always wanted to go there so I've been saving up and finally got enough for first class seats as well.

Also my mom is in London for a couple of years, since she moved there. And to be honest, I cant really believe I'm going to be seeing her after 2 years.


Today is Tuesday, and its the first of December and it got so cold that it started to snow outside.

Not much snow though, like an inch deep.

Unfortunately, I had to work today so I was now at the office working on a file when I heard a knock at my door. "Come in!" I said as the door knob turned and the door creaked open as Rachel walked in. Rolling my eyes I stood up front my seat. "What do you want?" I asked, not caring about my tone.

"Why so rude to your girlfriend?" She said causing me to burst out laughing.

"I'm married and having a child in 3 or 4 months." Her jaw dropped as I smiled pleasurably.

"Yeah, well I've been meaning to tell you this but... I'm pregnant." She said as my eyes widened in surprise.

"Well, congratulations, but you really should go." She shook her head.

"It' yours, Conan." My eyebrows knitted into each other as I was left in confusion.

"How? We literally never even- I've never- I don't- just get out." She looked down sadly but just turned and left.

Her words stuck with me for the rest of the night. There's no way I got her pregnant...


I drove home as I listened to music. As I pulled into the driveway, I took note that Heather wasn't home since her car wasn't here.

I was so tired so I just went in and fell asleep.



I was loading the groceries into the car when I heard the sound of gravel from behind me so I turned to find Laura, Conan's friend's wife, standing behind me.

"Oh hi! Laura right?" She nodded as I smiled but stopped when I noticed she was giving me a rude stare. "Is everything okay?" I asked, concerned.

"No, nothing is okay." I placed a hand on her shoulder but she quickly removed it, aggressively. "I think you should know, your husband tried touching me sexually the night we came over for dinner. Toby left the room to use the bathroom and when he came back, I told him everything, that's why we left early." I stood in disbelief. "Sorry you had to hear that, have a nice night." She said and turned to walk off.

There's no way Conan would do such a thing. He's literally written by women...


I drove home in anger, I didn't want to be mad because I knew this wasn't true but... it made me angry.

"Baby!" Conan said as I walked in the door, but I walked past him and to the bathroom, where I sat for a few minuets. A moment later, Conan came knocking on the door. "Love? Is everything okay? I'm coming in." He said as he opened the door. "Sweetheart, please talk to me." He said, kneeling in front of me. I shook my head. "Baby please, I don't know what I did." A tear fell and landed on my leg.

I looked up at him as he held a look of sympathy. What was I doing? Believing someone else over my soon to be husband and the father of my unborn child?

"Did- Did you touch Laura?" His eyebrows knitted together as he now held a confused look.

"Uhm, no? Like- sexually?" I nodded. "No! Who the hell told you this?"

"She did, in the parking lot of the grocery store... I- know you wouldn't do anything... like that but I just... her words stuck with me and it kept bothering me. I don't know baby I'm sorry. Forgive me?" I asked, looking up at him as his hand rested on my knee and I pulled my hands up to cup both of his cheeks. He nodded with a small smile as I pressed my lips to his gently.

"You remember Rachel?" He asked and I nodded. "Apparently I got her pregnant?" My eyebrow raised up as I looked at him in confusion. "I've never even been closer then 3 feet from her- that bitch is crazy." I nodded as we both laughed and I got up from the floor.

We unloaded the rest of the groceries and got dinner ready as we ate and got ready for bed.


Bro Conan is getting blamed for a lot of shit. #JusticeForConan.

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Have an amazing day, byee!

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