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Previously on Comfort Crowd, I was in the middle of telling you the very very traumatic experience. Enjoy!

I woke up to chatter coming from the kitchen of the tiny apartment I was temporarily staying in. I had a pounding headache so as soon as I stood up, I nearly lost my balance before plopping back down on the side of my bed. A few seconds later, a gentle knock was placed on my door.

"Who is it?" I asked as if it weren't obvious.

"Dude, I'm the only one here." I laughed as Heather opened the door walking in with a plate and a glass of orange juice, I think.

"Oh, thank you." She nodded, placing the plate and glass on my bedside table.

After eating, I got dressed to go out. Heather had an event to attend to so she couldn't come with me, which was fine.

I grabbed a mini bag to bring along with me, which held my money and other needed essentials.

I didn't have a car so I decided to walked around the block to the nearest cafe. But on my way there, I bumped into a guy who was way bigger then me.

"Oh gosh! I'm so sorry!" The man turned around and gave me a very angry look before grabbing my shirt.

"Watch where your going, prick." He looked me up and down, and let me go. I nodded quickly before walking off in a fast motion. It wasn't until now that I noticed the guy was now following me so I picked up my speed and began to speed walk. I took a few turns around the corner and noticed a small bakery, running towards it I entered to see Heather at the front counter with a blonde woman.

She soon noticed me and recognized the panicked look on my face, which I use when I'm being chased. But I don't use it to often since I NEVER GET CHASED!

"Conan! What's wrong? You look like someone just got murdered." She joked and I tried to laugh but I was too scared. She soon noticed that too and ran over to hug me before once again, asking what happened. I explained how I ran into the man and he began chasing me. She nodded understanding.

"Heather, he's huge! He's twice the size of me and you put together! No joke!" She rolled her eyes and grabbed my arm, dragging me to the front door of the bakery. I instantly felt stupid as we looked around and saw no man. She patted my shoulders before explaining that he left and gave up on trying to harm me.

"Now, do you want me to drive you home or are you okay?" She asked.

"Uh, no it's okay I'm fine I'll walk home." She nodded before hugging me and then returned to her job.

I was walking on the sidewalk of the flooded streets and noticed my gps saying there was a shortcut home. Like an idiot I took it and found myself in a dark alley.

"Oooh shit, this is how bitches die. Hey Siri! Take me home." I whisper yelled

"On it... one sec... sorry, Siri is unavailable due to lack of internet, please connect to internet and try again later."

"You bitch! Your useless." I pulled up messages to text Heather to come get me but the text didn't go through so now I'm stuck in the middle of an alley with no phone service and lost like hell. I heard a noise from behind me so I quickly turned around and when I saw who was behind me I nearly shit my pants.

"You made a mistake running, asshole. Now you have to pay the consequences." The man said in a dark voice.

"Look, I'm sorry for bumping into you earlier, I-" I was cut off as his fist came into contact with my nose, causing my eyes to instantly begin to water, or maybe I was crying.

He threw another punch at my face causing me to stumble back and hit the ground. Soon he was on top of me beating the shit out of me until I spotted a rock. Reaching for it, I gripped onto it and hit him in the head with it, causing him to fall off of me. I lost control and grabbed the knife he had in his hand and began stabbing him in his neck and anywhere else I could reach. The moment I pulled back, I realized what I had done. Self defense or not, this man was dead and his blood was now on my hands.

"Oh my god... what have I done?" I began crying as I check his pulse, and sure enough, he was dead.

My heart rate sped up and I could now hear sirens from a distance. Out of reflex, I ran. I didn't know where I was until I was now standing in front the bakery from before. I couldn't go in looking like this, covered in blood, so I ran toward my apartment.

20 minuets later I was now home and in the bathroom showering, scrubbing the dry blood off my skin. I was still crying because I didn't realize what I was doing. I'm a murderer... I killed a man! I took someone's life!

My thoughts were interrupted as the front door opened and closed a second later.
"Cone! I'm home! Where are you?" Heather called from the living area.

I can't tell her. "I'm showering! Be out in a minuet." I yelled hearing my voice crack.

"Alright then, I brought home dinner!" She added.

"Okay! Thank you!"

"No problem!"

I tried my best to act normal the rest of the night. I threw the knife in a nearby pond about 5 minuets from the alley. Tonight was an accident. Even though I purposely stabbed him. But for some reason, I kept doing it. I've never been the one to have anger issues so this was a shock to me. Nobody can find out about this either because I can go to prison for a very long time. Even if it was only self defense!

After dinner, I said goodnight to Heather and went back to bed. I was curled in the fetal position as my eyes were drowned by tears. I laid there and silently cried myself to sleep.



Conan had been acting very distant the entire time I had been home. In stead of sitting on the longer couch with me to eat, like usual, he sat on the other couch, across the room. Every time I'd try to make conversation, he'd just give me an awkward smile and nodded. He hasn't said anything to me since he got out of the shower and he is now going back to his room. What if I did something! Did I? I don't know. Frowning sadly, I went to my room to prepare for bed. As I was searching my wardrobe, I noticed a ball of notebook paper in the corner of the room. Slowly, I stood to grab it. I opened it up and the top read: Diary Page 32. Today mom and dad got into a big fight and started throwing things at each other. He pulled her hair and smacked her twice, but she didn't do anything. She just took the punches without throwing any at him. I went to my room and hid in my closet so I could hopefully block out the noise. So I grabbed my I-pad and headphones and listened to The Rolling Stones to get my mind off of what was happening.

I didn't notice I was crying until I seen a tear drop and land onto the sheet of paper in my hands. He's been through a lot. And I just want to be there for him and help him. Now I was crying harder. I put on a t-shirt and some sleeping shorts and crawled into bed. I'm sure he's okay. If he wasn't he would have told me, right? I didn't notice I fell asleep until I was drifted into a deep slumber.


A/N- Dude this is so sad. I can't wait until they both realize they are in love. But lets just be honest, this is exactly how I imagined Comfort Crowd to be for him.

Thanks for reading Hope you liked this chapter and if not my messages are open so leave a vote and follow if you want to request a chapter or scene <3 thank you! Bye :)


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