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Yesterday was hard for me, I went to visit my mom and her sickness was getting worse again. The doctors at the nursing home claimed they had been taking care of her and she was healthy, but when I got there I seen the opposite of what I wanted.

I already told Abby and mom that I'm going to be having a baby, and it is in fact, Conans.

This morning I woke up with heavy contractions and a pounding headache, as well as dizziness, but that's normal for me. I was officially fat too, I can't even shave on my own, last week I had to ask Conan for a favor, and help me shave places I couldn't reach.

With as big as my belly is now, you'd probably be able to take one good look at me and figure I'm having twins or something.

Conan sat at the end of the bed, slipping on his shoes as I put on my maternity dress and a pair of sandals along with a little coat since it was 60 degrees out. Today, we decided to take a trip to the local park downtown.

"Are you ready, love?" Conan asked, as I nod smiling at him. "Okay baby, I'm going to help you to the car then, is that okay?" I once again smile at him.

"Yes honey, thank you." He nods in a welcoming manner, and helps me out to the car.


Once we arrived to the park, Conan held my hand as we walked down the paths surrounded by trees. Miles away, you could catch a glimpse of lit up buildings, and houses with Christmas lights hung up. There were child running around and having fun as parents sat on nearby benches, watching. Then there was us, a young engaged couple with a baby on the way, 3 months from now.

We stopped by a café near the path and got little pastry cakes as well as hot chocolate then took a seat at a table outside of the café to eat our treats.

"I love you." He said from beside me, I turn to look at him and give him a smile, showing him that his words touch my heart in ways he would never understand.

"I love you more." I said back as he shook his head.

"Not possible. I love you more." He said causing me to let out a giggle.

"No I love you more!" I replied as we both stopped and began laughing at our self.

"Younger us would be so weirded out if they were to meet us now." He said and I nodded with a smile, sipping my hot chocolate as I turned my focus back to the children running around us.

I couldn't help but notice Conan was right. 12 year old me would never guess that I'd marry my best friend and have his child. But, I couldn't be more happy about how my life turned around.

"Love?" Conan asked as I snap back to reality.

"Sorry, what?" I replied as he gave me a smile.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks as I just shrug.

"Our future. Do you ever think about that?" He nods and pulls me in to hold me close.

"Always." He says with a smile and kisses my temple as he begins rubbing my belly gently.


It got colder out so we decided to go back home. It was around dinner time now, so we decided to pick up something from the grocery store, as well as some cookie dough, then we stopped by target to pick up a new Christmas tree since last years tree got lost during all the packing.

I was standing in the Christmas decoration isle when I felt a large kick in my lower stomach, causing me to nearly drop what I had in my hands.

"Ma'am? Is everything okay, do you need help with that?" A woman from behind me asked, I turned to look at her and she seemed to be a worker.

"Oh, uh, sorry.. I- I'm okay. Thank you." I said and she nodded walking away.

I finished shopping for house decorations that included, decorative pillows, a new bed set, matching pajamas, a cute little tree skirt, and some more Christmas lights to hang up outside of the house.

Conan soon found me in the isle and asked if I was okay, taking note that I was holding my back.

"Oh, yeah baby. My back is just hurting but I'm okay, love." He nodded kissing my forehead and helping me push the cart to the check out line.

"Hello again! Is this your husband?" The same woman from before asked and I nodded with a polite smile as she scanned our things and bagged them up. I paid and we soon left to go back home.

"Who was that?" Conan asked as he helped me into the car.

"No clue, I saw her earlier when I was shopping and she noticed me feeling dizzy, she only asked me if I was okay and left me alone again." He nodded as I explained everything.


Soon, we were home and unloading the car as we began decorating the house together as 'Home Alone' played on the tv.

"Are you ready to set up the tree yet, love?" Conan asked me as I nodded with a smile on my lips.

We put together the tree and began decorating it. "Do you want to put the snowflake on top?" He asked me as his hand was on my back.

"How? I'm pregnant and I can't reach." He smiled at me.

"I can pick you up." I shook my head.

"No, I'm too fat." I said and he gave me a look.

"Uh, your not fat, your gorgeous. Also, I can still pick you up." I rolled my eyes playfully as he turned around for me to get on his back. He held me up as I put the snowflake on the top of the tree and he then let me down. "All done, Love." He said with a smile.

"Want to bake some cookies?" I asked him and he instantly began nodding as I laughed and we made our way into the kitchen.


Oh my gosh guys, this is too cute. ^^^

I hope you liked this chapter and if so, then leave a vote, comment, and follow. If yo like my writing in general, go check out my other book, 'Us'.

Thank you for reading! Byee! -T


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