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A/N- I didn't notice that I published the last chapter without a note from me. So sorry:( I was very busy and distracted with lots of things on my mind, again, I'm truly sorry.

I finally started feeling better a week later thanks to Conan. Every morning, I'd wake up sweating or throwing up. We literally went through so much sheets in the past month from me vomiting everywhere.

"Hey H, are you ready yet?" I nodded as Conan walked into the room. "Alright, I'll help you to the car." I stopped and looked at him.

"Why are you acting like I'm crippled or something? I told you I feel better and I never said I couldn't walk." He looked at me with a hurt face and I instantly felt bad.

"Okay. I'm sorry I was only trying to help you. I'll be in the car." He said and walked out as I chased after him.

"Cone, I'm sorry I didn't mean it. I understand that your trying to help. I just- I don't know I'm sorry." He turned around and looked at me.

"It's okay baby. I know your still healing. And I'm sorry about your mom okay? Come here." He pulled me in and hugged me tightly and then we got into the car.


General POV
Heather sat up in bed as she stretched and adjusted to the lighting in the room. The fairy lights above her bed were the only light on in the room as she noticed her phone ringing. As she reached over to pick it up and see who it was, it was her sister.

"Hello? Abby what's wrong?" Heather says over the phone, hearing her sisters voice as she cried.

Her heart stopped as she heard the words she feared the most. "It's mom... her heart stopped and she quit breathing last night. We rushed her to the hospital but the doctors say she might not make i-it. Are you able to get over here?" I felt a tear run down my face as I quickly wiped it away, standing to my feet and grabbing my keys.

"I'm on the way. Stay calm, she's going to be fine I know it. She's a fighter." I said trying to act calm.


After we got back from the hospital, the doctors said that mom would make it but claimed she barely lived through it.

Abby says she wasn't home when mom had her heart attack, she also says the only one who was home was dad. Abby said he was there for a few minuets to get the rest of his belongings while Abby was out shopping. She said when she got home, mom was laying on the kitchen floor unconscious.

I don't want to believe he had anything to do with it, but a part of me keeps telling me it was him. He always hated her ever since Abby was born so it makes sense?

"H? Are you alright?" Conan asked as we entered the beverage section of the grocery store. I looked up at him and nodded as he reached over and grabbed my hand causing me to smile at him.

"Abby talked to me this morning, she says mom hasn't woken up yet but the doctors says it will be soon. I just hope she's okay." He nodded and wrapped his arm around me as he pushed the cart down the isle.

"She will be, I promise. You said it yourself. She's a fighter, and she knows she still has you and Abby so she won't give up." I nodded and kissed him.

We finished shopping 10 minuets later and decided to go get ice cream.

"Vanilla sucks. It just- it sucks." I said looking at Conan.

"Your lying! Vanilla is one of the best flavors created!" I chuckled as he got so upset over something that wasn't that deep.

"Whatever! Vanilla is plain. Plain as fuck and I can't believe you claim it's the 'best flavor'." I laughed.

"Wow, I've known you for years- and not once did you fill me in on how much you hated vanilla." Conan said.

"I don't hate vanilla I just don't have a good taste for it." I said rolling my eyes.

"Whatever." He said and we both burst out laughing.


After we got home I got a call from Abby. All good news, mom woke up and she is now breathing on her own. I decided to go spend the weekend with her and Abby so I asked Conan if he wanted to come along and he agreed.

I texted Abby and told her I was on the way and Conan was coming but she quickly texted that it wasn't a good idea to bring him along. That's when I called her.

"Hello?" I heard her say over the phone.

"What do you mean? Of course it's a good idea. He's my boyfriend?" She told me she understood that but then she explained everything.

"Amelia is staying with us for the next month or two. And well.... You know.... She likes Conan. And she won't take it to easy knowing your with him now. Besides she never liked you in the first place so it adds to the drama." She said finally pausing to take a breath. "So you can bring him if you want but I don't think it's a good idea."

"Yeah well I don't care. He loves mom and mom loves him. She would be happy to see him, especially since I told her we are dating. And tell Amelia I said fuck off." She giggled and hung up.

"Everything okay?" Conan asked as he walked into the room. I nodded and he walked over to sit beside me and put his arms around me. "Are you okay? I heard you yelling and it didn't sound to pleasant." He let out a low chuckle.

"Abby doesn't think it's a good idea to bring you to see mom with me. She claims her friend, Amelia, is like... in love with you or something... I don't know." He rolled his eyes.

"I can stay here if you want-" He said but I stopped him.

"No, your coming. I don't care about Amelia." He nodded and hugged me close.


A/N- Holy Jesus. Hiii! This chapter took my like- 2 days to finish lmaoo. Sorry I have been busy so I've been trying to fit in a few paragraphs every so often. But here is chapter 13. Chapter 14 will hopefully be started and published by either today or tomorrow. Btw it is going to be a lot of drama so buckle up and get comfy;) drama is literally my middle name as long as I'm not involved:)

Thanks for reading, if you enjoyed todays chapter, please vote, comment, and follow <3

Byee! -T

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