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Omg we're already on chapter 18!! Enjoy todays chapter:)


I was at my sisters house today since she agreed to help plan the wedding. Although it's months away, it felt as if we were in a rush.

After leaving Abby's house, I went grocery shopping since the cabinets at home were nearly empty but that's when I felt a wave of nausea hit me.

A second later, I felt like I was going to be sick so I stepped out of the car just to release all over the ground. I wiped my mouth but felt more bile rise in my throat.

After taking care of my business, I got back in the car and drove home. To my surprise, Conan's car was parked outside but when I walked in the house, there was a man, a woman, and Conan sitting at the dining table.

"Oh baby! Welcome home." He said with a smile, I tried smiling back but the pain I was feeling wasn't having it. He instantly noticed something was up so he rushed over to me. "Honey? Are you okay?" I shook my head. "Tell me what's wrong, love."

"I uh, don't know. I have to get the groceries out of the car, I'll be back." But when I turned toward the door, he grabbed my arm gently to pull me back.

"No, you clearly don't feel good, go lay down and I'll get the groceries." I gave him a small smile and nodded, waving to the guests, and walked to the bedroom to take a nap.



I invited a guy from my job to dinner tonight at our house, I also told him to bring his wife along so it could be just me, them, and Heather.

Once they arrived, I already had dinner fixed and was now waiting for Heather to get home from shopping, but when she walked in the door, she looked very pale.

I rushed over to her to see if she was alright and she said no, notifying me that she had to get the groceries out but I declined and told her to go and lay down.

Once finished unloading the groceries, I put them away, making plates and placing them neatly on the table.

"Excuse me for a second." I said to Toby and Laura, they both nodded as I walked toward the bedroom to check on Heather.

"Baby?" I said.

"Hmm?" She turned over to look at me with a small smile.

"I've made dinner, I was wondering if you wanted to eat in bed or come out and eat." She paused in thought, then looked back to me and said she would join in a few minuets as I nodded and left.

As I was walking back to the kitchen, I was caught by a very interesting conversation shared between Toby and Laura so I stopped midway down the hall to listen.

"She's only acting sick for attention, what a pick-me." Laura says as Toby lets out a low chuckle.

"Most likely, poor Conan. He falls for it every time. He even calls out of work when she's 'sick'." That made my blood boil as they spoke trash about my wife. Not happening on my watch.

"For 1, get the fuck out of my house. Right now. And for 2, don't ever speak to me nor my wife ever again." I shouted stomping into the kitchen. "The way your talking about my wife in our home is very disrespectful. So like I said, get out." Laura rolled her eyes as Toby gave me a look and they got up an left a second later.

After locking the front and back door, I took mine and Heathers plate to the bedroom where I found Heather nowhere to be seen. I checked the closet and she wasn't there until I took note that the bathroom light was on. I knocked on it gently, before warning her that I was coming in.

"Baby! Are you okay, my love?" I asked as Heather sat in front of the toilet throwing up.

"No- i- think I'm- sick." I nodded as I pulled her hair into a messy bun and rubbed her back as I held her close.

A moment later, I was on the phone with our doctor explaining Heathers symptoms.

"Mr. Gray, Heather could possibly be pregnant. Have you guys tooken a test?" Doctor McCoy said.

"Uh, no ma'am? I could go pick up one though." I replied.

"That'd be great. Call me back when you guys get the results." She said and I hung up.


An hour later, I was at CVS picking up a box of pregnancy tests since my wife might be pregnant.

For some reason I was nervous. So nervous that when I handed the money to the cashier, I dropped a coin on the ground due to my hands shaking.

What if she was pregnant, I wouldn't be mad but I don't think I'm ready. I've babysitter my little cousins before but that's different.

As I paid for the tests and left, I made my way home.

"Baby? I'm back, love!" I said front the foyer as I heard a muffled voice from the bedroom.

"Hey baby, I still don't feel well." She said with a frown as she held her stomach.

"Well, we are about to find out why." I said and she nodded sitting up in bed.

I pulled out the box of tests and opened it up, handing her a few as she went to the bathroom.

Almost an hour later, we were sitting at the kitchen counter, waiting for the timer to end as the tests sat upside down on the counter.

As the timer went off, I looked at Heather who was looking at me as I took a deep breath and nodded slowly.

Carefully, she reaches over to the first test and flips it over as we read the results.

It came back as negative. And for some reason, I was disappointed, but the next tests results made my heart drop to my fucking feet.

It read positive.

"Baby?" I said as Heather looked at me. "Flip the last two." I said and she nodded, slowly turning over the other two tests as my breath hitched in my throat as I nearly choked on thin air. "Holy fucking shit. Ain't no damn way!" I said, as I stared at the tests in disbelief.

They both read positive as well.


The next morning, we went to the doctor to see if the tests for telling the truth.

"Alright, so I have some news..." The doctor said looking at us with a sad frown on her face. My smile faded as I stared at her.

"Is everything okay?" She shook her head.

"You guys... Are having a baby!" She shouted and I immediately smiled, feeling warmth in my heart.

A second later, I felt my eyes stinging as tear fell freely. Tears of joy of course. I looked at Heather as she looked at me with a huge smile on her face as she cried as well.

"I'll give you two a moment." The doctor said as she stepped out of the room. I grabbed Heather's hands as I held them in mine.

"Your having my baby. Your actually having my baby! I'm gonna be a father! Oh my god... I'm going to be a father." I said looking up at Heather. "What if I'm a bad father though." I said sadly and Heather grabbed my cheek.

"No way, you'll be an amazing father. Okay?" She said and I nodded. "Oh I can't wait!" She said in excitement.


Holy shit. Plot twist am I right? I'm so emotional bro!

I apologize for not publishing a chapter in a few days, I've been very busy with life and I promise I'll be posting more soon.

Thanks so much for reading, if you liked this then leave a vote, comment, and follow.

If you like my writing then go out my other book 'Us' :)

Byee! -T

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