Chapter Four - The Boy In Anger

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[18. August 2022]

"Yeah, I already expected that." Taehyun said with a thoughtful expression on his face.

We both sat on the middle ramp of the skatepark and let our legs tumble down. His board was lying next to him, looking more demolished than the last time I was here. Just like his board, Taehyun's appearance had also changed, because apart from wearing a blue shirt instead of a yellow one today, he had a white cast around his right arm that read 'LOSER' in capital letters.

"Who did that?" I asked, pointing to his cast.


"No, not the arm. I meant who wrote that on there."

"Me." He said again.

"Why did you do that?"

"I don't know." He replied, looking down at the cast. He had now put the bracelet on his left wrist although he had always worn it on his right wrist before. I guess he really wanted to wear it.

"You're so persistent, why don't you try again?" Taehyun changed the subject.

"Ha, he'll run me over in the end." I laughed, not imagining that going to him a second time would do any good.

"Why don't you just answer my questions?"

"We've been over that. You don't ask me questions and for that you can hang out with me." I wanted to say something, but then stuck to not doing it. Instead, I took out my red marker that I needed for work and scribbled on Taehyun's plaster.

"'LOVER', how original."

"Better than your self-insult."


I walked home, taking the diversions through a small street. I came here often as it was close to my flat and there were all sorts of things you needed to survive. A few meters straight ahead was a small grocery shop, a bench here on the right, one here on the left.

I took a few steps back and looked through the glass window into the bank. I saw Yeonjun in a white tank top, just hitting the ATM in anger. He turned energetically away from the machine and ran his hand through his hair in a tizzy, while resting his right hand on his hip. How could it be that he was so easy to find?

Now both hands were on his hips and he was looking around the bank frantically. I noticed his car was right behind me so I just waited outside until he would come out of the bank so I could ask him my questions again.

Yeonjun's gaze lingered on a black sports bag lying on top of a vending machine not far from the one he had just beaten up. He approached the bag and cautiously peered inside. His posture hesitated a little and he turned his gaze to the upper right corner of the room where a camera was probably installed.

After some thought he took the bag and rushed out through the glass door into the cold night. On his way out he noticed me standing in front of his car watching everything and instead of walking past me and leaving me standing once again, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me with him to his car.

"Get in." He ordered me and for some stupid reason I did. Maybe because he had just stolen something and I panicked because I didn't want to get caught. On the other hand, it was also a stupid idea because I had nothing to do with it before and now I looked like an accomplice.

He opened the car door on the other side and got behind the wheel. He stowed the bag in the back seat and I panicked even more. In fact, I was in a strange car with a strange person who had just robbed a bank and was now driving away with a grinning face.

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