Chapter Nineteen - Aftermath Of A Kiss

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As much as I wanted this moment to last longer, I had to come to terms with the fact that his lips were no longer on mine. When Yeonjun broke away from me, he stayed above me for a few seconds to look at the area he had just moistened with his lips. A proud grin formed on his lips.

"They're not dry anymore." He breathed, continuing to bite his lower lip with a grin.

He fell back onto his bed and stared up at the ceiling again. My right cheek felt the cold spread there after he released his hand from it and the rest of my body also reduced the hot feeling that had overtaken me moments before. It took my head a while to realize what this kiss was for.

I pressed my lips together and noticed how wet they had become. Was this just an excuse to kiss me or had my previously dry lips really bothered him that much? No matter which of these was the truth, but I was more than pleased with what had just happened.

"Have I left you speechless?" He asked, and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"What do you want me to say to that?" I asked, slightly perplexed.

"I don't know. 'Thank you'?"

"Why 'thank you'?"

"Thank you for making me wet your lips."

"You kissed them."

"That's correct." We fell silent again. From my vantage point, I could see him smiling on and on, and I was right next to him, completely out of it.

"Do the fish see this kind of thing more often? The way you wet people's lips." I described it as obscenely as he did. Yeonjun's gaze swung over to the fighting fish, who were calmly swimming through their own little world.

"I don't know if they're interested in who I'm wetting the lips of."

"After all, I asked the question, not the fish." I mentioned, not daring to look at his face.

"Sometimes. When Kai is babbling pointless stuff again, going on and on and wouldn't stop. Or when Beomgyu is sad." He then answered my question. So the kiss was just friendly? If he does the same with his other friends, what makes it different with me?

"I see." I replied and said nothing more, the feeling of emptiness spreading through my body.

Silence spread through the room again and it swelled into a crushing loneliness that made me incredibly uncomfortable. I didn't like the aftermath of the kiss at all. I had the desire to go home and I felt terrible even thinking that.

I felt the back of Yeonjun's hand brush against my fingers and he thoughtfully placed his hand on mine. I didn't back away or do anything about it. I just let it happen. His fingers slid between mine and he intertwined our hands as if he sensed I was uncomfortable.

"I want to meet up with you next week." He said. We both looked at the ceiling together and stayed in that position, lying next to each other, hands intertwined.

"I can't until 4 pm." I replied monotonously.



"Didn't you get fired?"

"No, I resigned." I corrected him honestly. He frowned in confusion.

"Kai had mentioned that you only worked there for three weeks."

"That's right."

"So you never got your salary? Then what about the rent on your flat? How are you going to pay it then?" He asked me, puzzled.

"My parents pay for the rent and everything else until I earn my own money for a while." I explained to him.

"The only problem is that I have to pay for my own food and other things." I added, really thinking about how I was going to manage until next month. I didn't want to ask my parents for money. Then I would have to explain to them somehow that I had quit my job just like that.

"I can bring you food over." Yeonjun then suddenly said and I tilted my head in his direction.

"You don't have to do that."

"I want to." He objected firmly and I left it at that.

"Where are you working now?"

"At Le Cafe."

"Oh!" Was all he said. Yeonjun lightly squeezed my hand, which he held clasped, and I could feel his excitement.

"I'll pick you up there at 4pm then."

My heart raced again as he was going to do exactly what I had wished for. I tried not to let my joy show but that statement didn't let me lie still anymore.

"Okay." I just returned, sounding far too shaky. Yeonjun, however, just laughed meekly, amused by how he was affecting me.

"And what day?"



"Yes, Wednesday. I just told you."

Wednesday it was. I was excited, couldn't wait until Wednesday but then I noticed that Yeonjun was just lying next to me holding my hand. I didn't have to wait until Wednesday to see him again as I was lying on his bed right now, inches away from his face. I wonder if he will kiss me again on Wednesday. Should I make sure my lips were extra dry?

"Isn't it totally unsatisfying to kiss dry lips?" I asked then, not even thinking about the consequences.

"No, not at all."

I heard a jingle from the other side of his bedroom door, a key. I listened to what was going on and recognised several people coming in the front door.

"Yeonjun? Are you there?" I heard a female voice call out, apparently his mother.

"Did you take my car again, Yeonjun?! When I get my hands on you!" A male voice yelled even louder than his mother.

"Shit." Yeonjun hissed, getting up from his bed in a flash, abruptly letting go of my hand. He quickly sprinted to his room door and locked it quickly, then turned to me, his hand still holding the door handle, and looked around intently.

"This isn't your car at all?" I asked him, starting to panic too even though I wasn't even the one who would get in trouble. Mind you, I don't know if Yeonjun's parents aren't a bit more extreme than Beomgyu's father, who acted like he was almost at my throat as well.

"Yes, it is." Was all he said, picking up my shoes from the floor, which were still lingering by the door, and sprinting to his window, which he then tore open.

"He only says it's his because he bought it himself. Doesn't understand, though, that things given away then belong to the recipient." He explained the situation, looking out the open window.

"Come here." He instructed in a soothing tone and looked at me. I slid to the other side of the bed where Yeonjun had been a few seconds ago and then stood directly in front of him on both feet. He pressed my shoes into my hands and led me lightly to the window.

"Do you want me to jump down there?!"

"Don't worry, I won't leave you alone in the dark."

"That's not what I meant at all!"

The panic in my body continued to rise and the only thing that stopped me from completely freaking out was Yeonjun's hand on my back. A loud pounding was heard against the door of the room, the handle moved tumultuously and Yeonjun's father shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Open the fucking door, Yeonjun!"

Yeonjun released his gaze from the door and looked at me again, now with a pleading expression.

"If you don't get out the window now, it'll be the last time I wet your lips." He then threatened and I relented. As I climbed out of the window I felt Yeonjun holding me, making sure I didn't accidentally jump down earlier than I should.

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