Chapter Thirty Nine - The Girl With Revenge

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[17. September 2022]

There was a funfair this saturday, so we decided to go there as a group. We made up to meet each other at the entrance. The funfair was near a small forest, placed on a clearing that was used for most events around this area. I never really went to such events, only when I was little with my parents.

After the outbreak with Beomgyu, I didn't step another foot on a moving board, but instead sat myself with Yeonjun on the broad staircases at the rather back of the skatepark. We chatted a little until by and by came Soobin and Kai, then Taehyun and lastly Beomgyu. He still held a little grudge on me for almost breaking his arm with Taehyun's skateboard so he sat himself behind Kai right next to Yeonjun.

"I heard from Mike that there is a funfair next week." Kai told us.

"Oh, good. I still have to prove to Soobin that I'm stronger than him on the punching machine." Beomgyu exclaimed, at which Soobin reacted by rolling his eyes.

"You wish."

"Then let's go there." Yeonjun spoke up, his right arm embracing my bent leg.

"But I don't have any money." Taehyun pouted and looked at Yeonjun with big, sparkly eyes.

"I can help you out with that." I turned my head around to face Taehyun, sitting next to Beomgyu a staircase higher behind Kai.

"I thought you didn't have any money?"

"That was when I couldn't finish a month being employed." From the side I caught sight of Kai scratching the back of his head while looking away as he felt addressed by my comment. I had to chuckle at that.

"Thanks, then. I will pay you back." Taehyun said and smiled at me happily.

I made sure to bring enough money for Taehyun and me after we had made that out, storaged in a little bag with my phone and keys. I matched the color of my cardigan with the color of my bag, something I mostly tried to avoid. It was Yeonjun's favorite color, sunset orange. On my cardigan were little flowers in white. I liked that cardigan, especially after Yeonjun complimented me on it.

I had arrived at the entrance earlier than the others and I already expected that to happen. None of them really seem to be the kind to appear on time to any occasion except for maybe Soobin. For the time I was standing next to the entrance, watching strangers my age enter the funfair with their friends, I thought about all the things me and Yeonjun will do today.

We will go on a carousel, multiple times. We will buy us some candy and we will try to win some stupid, cheap plushie for one another on a sales booth. I will try to win a fish plushie, because he loves fish. The many night talks really clarified this.

My mind drifted so far away to the moments that will probably happen today, that I completely lost track of time. Even the sun got swallowed by the horizon by now. The sky got slowly darker and the lights from the funfair illuminated the area.

More people my age trotted past me with smiles on their faces, fully excited for the amusement rides they will go on tonight. My expectations of them arriving any time soon, slowly vanished.

I looked at my phone and wrote a text message to Yeonjun, asking where he was. I waited for about five minutes and when I looked back at my phone, the message still wasn't read. I refused to get worried and persuaded myself that they must be already inside, walking through the funfair searching for me.

Before I went inside, I gave the dark parking lot across from the entrance a last look and turned around when there still weren't any familiar faces to be seen.

The place was full of people. Tall, small. Young, old. It wasn't much difficult to navigate through the big crowd, but it didn't make it any easier to find Yeonjun or Soobin, yet alone the others. I looked out for Kai and Soobin the most as they were the tallest out of the group, but there was no sight of them.

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