Ch.4 Possible Friends

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I took a closer look at who I was hiding behind. They had short, dark grey hair and were wearing all grey clothes. As they turn around to look at me I see that there skin is entirely grey as well. They also have 2 voids where their eyes should be. I quickly realized it was Core Frisk. They looked at me curiously.

"Your younger then I thought. And didn't I tell Ink to pick you up. Don't tell me he forgot again." I heard Core mumbling to themselves.

"Well I'm not sure about the younger thing and this Ink person, but I needed to escape my Au before Nightmare found me. So I tried to think of a safe place to go and the only one I could think of was here. I had heard of this place in the past, but I can't remember exactly where." I said twisting the truth. I don't know the situation right now so I should keep my cards close to the chest. Core seemed surprised I heard them. The healer and dog monster flinched at the name Nightmare.

"Why would Nightmare be after you?"the dog monster asked.

I was about to answer, but Core cut me off saying, "It's not safe to talk about that here. Come with me and we'll get you to a safer location." They hold out their hand to me

I nodded my head, but before I took their hand I turn to the dog monster and asked, "What's your name?"

"Shelby sweetheart. Good luck and take care." She said.

I nod to her. I then grabbed Core's hand and we suddenly appeared somewhere else. I let go and fell on my coccyx. It had been a while since I teleported with someone. It was different then Nightmare's and my own and made me dizzy. "Sorry I should have warned you before we shortcut. It can be disorienting the first few times." Core apologized.

I said it was fine and slowly stood up and looked around. We seemed to be in a large hall full of different Sans and Papyrus. They all seemed to be busy with one thing or another. Whether deep in discussion with each other or doing paperwork. Core starts to walk, so I stayed close behind them. Core looks at me to make sure I was following. As we pass by, some of the skeletons look at Core and I. I shuffle closer to Core and grab on to the back of their shirt. I didn't really like the attention. Attention usually leaded to beatings.

"It's ok, your among friends. Just take deep breaths and count to 10." Core whispered to me.

I notice my breath is ragged and my hands are shaking. I was starting to have a panic attack. I start to take deep breaths and count. By the time I count to 10 for the 24 time I was feeling a lot calmer. I look around and realize we're in a completely new area. Just as I was going to ask Core where we were going, they stopped in front of a large pair of double doors. "Before we do anything else I have a few people I want you to meet. Will you be ok?" they asked.

"That's fine. As long as they don't start crowding or touching me I should be ok. I can handle any yelling or harsh words , it wouldn't be anything I haven't heard before. How much do you know about me?" I told them.

Core looked at me with a sad expression. "Well, I know your story and purpose. But the rest can be discussed in the room. I won't let anyone say or do anything like what you've experienced, happen to you. I just want you to meet them and maybe help us a bit with some problems we've been having. Nothing to crazy or extreme right now. You also need to be filled in on what's been going on during your 'incarceration'. But, I think your area of expertise will shed some light on our situation," they say as they open the door.

"What situation is that exactly?" I ask following Core.

"Is the room clear?" Core yells out.

"Yes! The whole room has been swept for listening devices, sigils, and shadows. The room has been warded against teleportation, divination, and viewing. Everyone's been checked for mind-altering effects and disguises. Doors are locked. Nothing is coming in or out without your permission." A Sans in a lab coat answered. I think he was probably a Science Sans.

Everyone in the whole room turned toward us. There is a long table filled with a bunch of different types of Sans and equivalents. What looked like anything from Dancetale Sans to Storyshift Chara. I wonder how big this multiverse is exactly. There seemed to be a few copies here, so Ink might be a God of Creation in this universe instead of just a guardian. I'll just have to wait and find out.

"Thanks Sci. Let's get things going. Our new friend here will need to eat and see a healer after this. They traveled here from deep in the Nightmare's territory." Core said.

At those word the room burst into an uproar. The feelings of shock, disbelief, and suspicion filled the room. I was watched with wary looks. Whisper of anything from being a possible spy to Bill Sans' secret love child, because of my yellow eye light color filled the room. That last one would have made me burst into laughter if I wasn't still so numb. But, I still had hold myself back from giggling. Now wasn't the time. Core leads me to the end of the table and has me take a seat in one of the empty chairs next to them. I see a Swap Sans on their other side. That must be this multiverse's Blue or whatever nickname he was given. He was short, but taller than me. He had on a blue scarf that had seen better days, but seem well loved. His battle body seemed to be made of actual metal. While worn and scratched, it was clean and polished. His large baby blue eye lights seemed to look at me full of excitement, but I could feel his worry.

He and Core shared a look and seemed to come to an understanding. I could see he was holding himself back to keep from overwhelming me. Which I really appreciated. I was already very tired, and I knew it's going to continue to be a long day. Or maybe it was night already? I couldn't tell what time it was. Not that it really mattered. I didn't need to sleep and had gone without for a while. I didn't want anyone to find me in the dream realm. My instincts were telling me it was too dangerous and I learned the hard way to always listen to them. I was still mentally exhausted though.

"Hi, My Name Is Blueberry Sans, But Everyone Calls Me Blue For Short. I'm From Underswap. I Have A Brother Named Stretch. My Favorite Food Is Tacos. I Like The Color Blue. What's Your Name? What Au Are You From? What's Your Favorite Food? Do You Have A Favorite Color?" Blue rambled. He seemed to be trying to force himself to talk in a normal tone, being somewhat successful. His emotions felt so genuine. Kindness, worry, and excitement. So different from the apathy, cruelty, and sadistic satisfaction the villagers would feel. Core's emotions were more muffled, or maybe I should say, more spread out. But I could still feel the concern and exasperation coming from them. I decided to give him a proper introduction, instead of just my name like I gave the villagers.

"Hello Blue, my name is Dream and I'm from Dreamtale. I would prefer if you used she/her pronouns for me if you don't mind. I haven't really tried many foods, but I would like to try chocolate. My favorite colors are Green and Blue." I answered.

Blue's eye lights transform into stars. "Wowwey! There Aren't Many Sanses That Don't Identify As Male. Even Though Skeletons Are Asexual, Most Prefer It. What Do You Identify As?"

"I think bi-gender. That's means you feel you are a mixture of male and female, right?" I ask.

"That's a simplified description, but yes. I myself am non-binary. So, have no gender. Now that things have settled down, let's get on with the meeting." Core states.

I nod my head and get more comfortable in my chair. Blue hands Core a gavel from somewhere and becomes more serious. Core looks around and says, "Now that we have all settled down, let the 764th meeting of the Star Council commence!"

*Bang!* *Bang!*

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