Ch.30 Preparing For The End

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  I was sitting on the edge of bed swinging my legs, as Medic and Life were giving me one last check over. Reaper and Geno were standing to the side. The bitties and Ferby #149 were taking a nap at the foot of the bed. Everyone else was out getting supplies for when we leave. I was finally free of all the wrapping and was licking a green apple lollipop with my now purple ecto-tongue. It used to be red, but after I was corrupted I noticed it changed color. I might have Perseverance as a strong secondary trait now, but I would have to do a deep check to find that out. Either that or it's because of my negativity, not sure. Still, the candy tasted good. "Alright, that should do it. Looks like your all healed up. You'll have scars, but they should fade over time. Your good to go Catcher." Medic told me.

  "We also have a regiment of magic supplements for you to help with your malnutrition. We made a supply for six months and want you to take one with a meal three times a day." Life said, bringing a few bottles over to me. I took them and pulled out my bag from my inventory to put them in.

  "Is that everything? We should probably go and join the others in getting supplies for the trip." Reaper asked.

  "Yes, all I ask is that Catcher try to take it a bit easy. That means no heavy lifting or strenuous activities for about a month. After that, they should work their way up." Medic told him.

  "Will do. Now, we better hurry to get going. We promised to meet up with the others in about a half hour." Geno said. I pulled out an outfit to change into from my hospital gown.

  "Give me a second. I rather not go around with my coccyx showing in a hospital gown." I said and pushed Life and Medic away from my bed. I close the curtains and change.

  When I open it back up I was wearing a galaxy print hooded trench coat, yellow turtleneck, black knee length pleated skirt, black tights, black fingerless gloves, and brown combat boots. I had my old crown on and I was wearing my bracelet on my wrist now. My ecto-hair was left down. Reaper whistled. "Looking good kiddo." Reaper told me. I put my bag back into my inventory and started waking up the bitties and Furby.

  "Definitely got better taste than Reaper with his emo style, that's for sure." Geno commented. Reaper gasped offended, while I giggled.

  "Well we better get going. It was a pleasure working with you Medic." Life said. Medic nods.

  "And, it was an honor working with the goddess of life herself. Good luck." Medic said.

  The now awake bitties climb onto my head and shoulders and I hold #149 in my arms. Reaper held onto me and Geno grabbed Life. Geno and Life shortcut away. Reaper and I followed right after. Everything went dark, but instead of whispering there was screaming. Reaper held me tighter as I was I felt something try to grab me. I could feel Reaper increase their death aura to scare them off. Then we were out and in front of a large brick building. "The fuck!" the normally collected Carber exclaimed. I shivered as I held tight to Reaper.

  "Sorry, the spirits have been becoming increasingly more aggressive the closer to the fall of the multiverse we become. Plus, I haven't been able to keep up with reaping them since Corruption went on a murderous rampage and had his army kill different Aus once he figured out you were freed. I may be omnipresent, but I can only do so much. I'm not as powerful and fast with my main body being here." Reaper told us.

  "I thought things were supposed to be sorta stable with Ink locked up though." I said. Reaper looked nervous.

  "That was the case, until he broke out the day after I rescued you. He starting to create again, which is why we're gathering more supplies now, so if we have to make a quick escape. Everyone is in a rush to finish, since we were originally supposed to leave in another six days. With Ink out again, we're trying to get anything we can. They predicted that we have a max of five and minimum three days, until it all goes down at the rate he's creating. Evacuations are already underway." Reaper explained.

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