Ch.34 Atlas

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  The VOID is Endless and Empty.

 Darkness consumed Everything.



  Yet Darker.

  You stare into the VOID.

  And the VOID stares back.

  Alpha pulls on my sleeve to get my attention. I turn from the VOID to the blaster. I blink down at them. "Thanks Alpha. Not used to being in the VOID like you all." I tell them.

  "You weren't listening to us talking to you. We were getting worried for a moment there." Carber tells me. The other two bitties nod.

  "Sorry. What were you trying to tell me?" I ask.

  "We WeRe JuSt AsKiNg If YoU HaD AnY IdEa WhErE We'Re GoInG AnD MaYbE WhEn We WoUlD GeT ThErE." String asks.

  "They're probably taking us somewhere they think we'll be safe. I'm not sure how long it will take to get there since time and distance doesn't actually exist here. Only our perception of it. It's complicated, but we'll get there eventually. We luckily don't have to worry about eating or sleeping since time doesn't pass. Though rest would still be good for our mental health." I say.

  "So we can travel forever and still not get there?" Moon asks.

  "Well yes, but they wouldn't do that to us. They genuinely care about my health and wandering the VOID so long would jeopardize that. We may be ok now, but it's only a matter of time before we start feeling the long-term effects of being here. Most beings aren't build to handle the VOID. Even if my DETERMINATION and godhood saved us, I'm not meant to be here." I tell them.

  "You are correct young administrator. Your place is not in the VOID, only to pass through," a deep rumbly voice says. I jump in surprise.

  I look around to see where the voice is coming from, but don't see anyone besides us. I hear a deep chuckle. "Hello? Who's there?" I call out. The bitties look at me confused.

  In front of us, the VOID seems to to ripple and something comes slowly through like a surface of water. At first it reveals a large white skeletal muzzle, before showing a enormous animal skull, neck bones, a rib cage and arms, followed by the the rest of the body leading to a long bony tail. The tail sways behind and with a groan a pair of skeletal wings stretch out behind the being. "I have waited a very long time to meet you, young administrator." The being says looking straight to me. A few of the blasters around me go to them and float around them yipping and barking playfully.

  "What do you mean? Who are you, if I may ask?" I ask politely.

  It was clear to me this was an old and powerful VOID beast based on their ability to manipulate the VOID and the old scars littering them. It would be best not to anger them. The being makes a sort of purring  sound seemingly pleased at my manners. "Beings of the VOID don't use names as they are considered inconsequential. However I am aware that those of existence use them to differentiate between eachother. You may give me one if that is favorable to you." The being says. I think for a moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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