Ch.33 The Pack

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  Now we're back in the VOID. It took thirty-two chapters, but we finally made it. Man that flashback took forever. I'm sure all of you guys want to get to the actual story after that long haul, so we'll do just that. I look away from the fourth wall down to the three bitties. "Are you guys ok?" I ask concerned.

  "Ya, We'Re Ok. JuSt A BiT ShOoK Up." Strings tells me.

  "I feel tingly." Moon says.

  "That would be the VOID's touch. It's not repeatedly tearing us apart and putting us back together anymore, but it still sorta nipping at us. Probably the only reason we all didn't cease to exist is my DETERMINATION and godhood and you guys feeding off of it." I tell them. They nod.

  "So, now what Catcher?" Carber asks. I sigh.

  "Well, getting stuck in the VOID wasn't part of the plan. And since time doesn't really exist here, we could be here for a long time. I'm not sure how much time has actually passed since we fell in, but it's possible that the multiverse is already destroyed." I explain.

  "CoUlD We CaLl On YoUr PhOnE FoR HeLp?" String asks. I shrug.

  "It's worth a shot." I say, and pull my phone out of my inventory.

  I turn it on, but it shows no signal. I see a yellow button on the bottom of the screen flash though. It had an image of a radio tower with the words SOS. I decide to press it. A small antenna suddenly pops up on the top of the phone. The screen shows a loading bar and the antenna starts glowing yellow like my base magic color. Then the loading bar is complete and it starts making pinging noises. "What's it doing?" Carber asks.

  "I think it's sending a signal. It must be an emergency beacon for rescue. Sci definitely thought ahead. Now we need to figure out if we should move or stay here." I say.

  "Why would we move? Isn't it safer to stay in place for the others to come to us?" Moon asks.

  "Normally I would agree, but we don't know what else is here. We would be sitting ducks if something malevolent found us. Plus, we don't know who else could pick up on our signal." I tell Moon.

  "She's right, we're too vulnerable. We need to keep moving. If we can survive in the VOID, then others could have too. Chances are they will be less than pleasant." Carber points out. I nod in agreement.

  "I CaN't BeLiEvE I'm AsKiNg ThIs, But ShOuLd We BrInG OuT..... ThE ThInG? We CoUlD UsE AlL ThE HeLp We CaN GeT." String asks hesitantly.

  "You mean #149? It's probably best we don't. I'm not sure how they'll be affected by the VOID. I rather not risk them getting destroyed." I tell String. The bitties all slump in relief.

  I sigh. Not only was I separated from my family, but now I'm trapped in the VOID who knows where. Anything from evil Gasters to VOID beast could be here. "Uh, guys. What is that?" Moon asks, pointing. I look toward the direction they pointed and see white dots in the distance.

  I quickly stand up. I was about to start panicking when I felt a wave of familiar emotions. I slumped in relief. "It's ok guys, their friends." I tell them. The bitties look at me like I was nuts.

  "What could you have possibly befriended that would survive the VOID?!?!" Carber exclaims.

  "You'll see. They'll be here in a moment." I say smiling calmly. I look back towards the incoming individuals.

  After a few moments, it was clear who, or should I say what, they are. "HoLy ShIt! ArE ThOsE BlAsTeRs!" String exclaims.

  And indeed they were a pack of Gaster Blasters, or as I liked to call them, my skull puppies. Yips, grumbles, and barks could be heard and they surround us. After a moment they calm down and two larger ones come forward. They both have yellow eyelight and horns. I walk over to them slowly and hold my hand out. One with large horns comes to my hand and nuzzles it, then the other pounces on me. I start petting them. "Let me introduce everyone. Carber, String, and Moon meet my skull puppies. The larger ones are Alpha and Omega, they are the pack leaders. All of them are named after letters of the Greek alphabet." I say. Alpha goes over and sniffs the bitties.

  "Well it looks like things are looking up. No one would want to mess with a pack of blasters." Moon says.

  "HoW ArE ThE BlAsTeRs EvEn In ThE VOID?" String asks.

  "They live here. Atlease mine do. I'm not sure if it's the same for everyone with blaster, but I created mine with my magic and when I desummon them they come here. They're still connected to me, but they kinda wander around here. It works on the magics of portals and bone attacks. Still while these guys can lead us around, we're still not in the clear. They're fairly small for blasters since I'm still immature magic wise, so we have to look out for others that are here or more powerful threats." I explain. Carber sighs.

  "We should probably get moving. We have been here a while." Carber says. I nod in agreement.

  I gently push Omega off and stand up. I help the bitties get in their usual spots on me and straighten out my cloths. *Sigh* It was so annoying having my cloths stained in negativity while corrupted. At least it goes away when I turn back. I feel my tendrils sway around me content. They had always been pretty well behaved for the most part, but the torture session seemed to have made them more subdued. Hopefully they'll heal overtime from the experience. I look to Alpha and notice something different about them. There was a black stain going down their face from their eyesocket. I brush my hand on the stain and realize what it was corruption. They likely were affected by the change in my magic. I see Omega has some dripping from their muzzle. I look to the rest of my skull puppies sadly seeing signs of the same. I bring my face to Alpha and give them a kiss. "I'm sorry you all had to experience it too, but we'll all be ok now. Why don't you all lead us somewhere we can rest? It's been a long day." I tell them. Alpha nods and turns to Omega.

  Omega and Alpha have a conversation of barks and yips until it seems they come to an understanding. Omega takes the lead and starts heading a seemingly random direction. Alpha stays at my side as I start to follow. The rest of the pack stays around us. I'm not sure where we're going, but I trust that together we'll be ok.


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