Ch.24 A Rescue Or An Escape?

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  "Fuck! With a speech like that how am I supposed to turn you in now kiddo. I'm so screwed." I heard from the figure in the doorway.

  "WaS WoNdErInG HoW LoNg YoU'd StAnD OuT ThErE DrIpPy. FiNaLlY DeCiDeD To JoIn ThE PaRtY?" Bill said to Killer.

  "Killer? What are you doing here?" I asked him.

  "Well, I was coming back to make sure Bill left before the boss noticed him. All of us working for Nightmare kind of cover for eachother sometimes. Then I find a trail of magic and corruption leading to this cell. I was going to go tell the boss, but then I hear you two talking. Fuck it! I'm already involved anyways. Might as well go all the way." Killer said. I watch as he walked past us to the hanging skeleton.

  "Killer? what are you-" I start to ask. Killer then proceeds to pull out his knife.

  With well practiced precision, he stabs between their ribs straight through their soul. The skeleton let out one final gasp before they turn to dust. Before anything else could happen, a familiar aura filled the cell. Killer and Bill shivered. Then, I was suddenly pulled into an embrace from behind. "Kiddo! I got you! I thought we wouldn't be able to get to you!" Reaper cried as he held me protectively to his chest in one arm. I noticed his scythe held out ready to attack in the other. He glared at Bill and Killer, almost daring them to make a move.

  "It's ok Daddy. Bill and Killer helped me call you here, so I could escape." I explained to placate the enraged death god. The other two looked at me in shock.

  "Daddy?!?!" "DaDdY!?!?"

  Reaper was looking at me confused and shocked. Then just sighs accepting my explanation. "Aggressive bitties, Fresh's demon Furbies, and now a murderous skeleton and dream demon. How in the world do you keep befriending dangerous beings? And it only seems to get worse! We can't ever leave you alone can we!" Reaper told me. I shrugged my shoulders.

  Bill was the first to snap out of it. "YoU Two ShOuLd HeAd On OuT Of HeRe BeFoRe AnYoNe ElSe ShOwS Up. We CaN CoVeR FoR YoU. ThEy'Ll LiKeLy ChAnGe ThE PrIsOnS LoCaTiOn OnCe ThEy ReAlIzE YoU WeRe HeRe." Bill told us.

  "Ya. I'll probably get my ass chewed out about one of the prisoners dieing, but I'll live. And if I don't, I went down for a better cause." Killer said in resignation.

  Reaper looked at them suspiciously. "Why are you two doing this? The two of you are some of Nightmare's most steadfast followers. Especially you Killer. Your known to be his most loyal. Why would you betray him?" Reaper asked.

  "I'vE NeVeR BeEn A FoLlOwEr To ThE OcToPuS. It WaS JuSt BuSiNeSs ReLaTiOnShIp BeTwEeN Us. AfTeR MaKiNg A DeAl FoR SoMe InFoRmAtIoN FrOm CaTcHeR, I'm JuSt HoLdInG Up My EnD Of ThE BaRgAiN." Bill told him. But, I knew better. I could feel he was lying about just holding up our deal.

  "I've been loyal to Nightmare, because he gets rid of my emotions. I've only ever been a weapon and toy to him though. I got to have something I haven't had in a long time because of the kid. I'm repaying that. I don't want to see them being used like I have by Nightmare. It's not something I would wish on my worst enemy, let alone a child." Killer said. I could feel muffled emotions of shame and disgust coming from him.

  Oh Killer, I hope he didn't do what it sounds like. I didn't want to leave Killer here after hearing that. I can only imagine all the horrible things he's forced you to experience. Your also a victim in all of this. "Why don't you come with us? I don't want anything to happen to either of you." I almost begged. Reaper wasn't feeling much better at Killer's admission. The two looked at me with some feelings of sadness and regret.

  "Sorry kid, someone has to keep things running when things go south. Got others relying on me. If I left they would be at the bosses mercy. And you and I know that's nonexistent." Killer told me.

  "I HaVe To TaKe CaRe Of A FeW ThInGs WiTh ThE InFoRmAtIoN YoU GaVe Me. BuT I HaVe A FeElInG We'Ll MeEt AgAiN SoMe DaY. NoW, GeT OuT Of HeRe AnD SoMeWhErE SaFe. I DoN'T WaNt To HaVe To FiNd YoU In AnOtHeR PrIsOn. Oh, BuT Be SuRe To KeEp LiFe InTeREsTiNg FoR My ViEwInG PlEaSuRe. AnCiEnT ImMoRtAlS NeEd EnTeRtAiNmEnT ToO." Bill said. I started to tear up a bit.

  Reaper looked to me and held me tighter. "Time to go kiddo. Don't want your new friends actions to be in vain. Time is running out in more ways than one." He told me. I nod, then look back to Killer and Bill.

  "Goodbye you two. I hope we meet again. I'll never forget what you've done for me. Make sure to take care of yourselves." I said to them before disappearing with Reaper.

3rd PoV

  The two skeletons stared at where Catcher disappeared for a moment before teleporting away. Bill went to go plan how he was going to escape the destruction of the multiverse. He thought about possibly bringing a few others that he could tolerate, but that was a later decision, if it was even possible. Killer went back to his office in the prison as if he hadn't just participated in a breakout. Thanks to the state of his soul, Corruption would never know anything was amiss with him. That was the one draw back for the empathic corrupted being. He could never tell when Killer was lying thanks to his lack of emotions. And Killer never gave a reason to show he was anything but loyal to Corruption. It saved the others more times than he could count. Hopefully, the kid would be safe. Killer shivered. He didn't want Corruption to force himself on the child like he had to Killer. Catcher accepted him as he was without a want for anything in return. This was the least he could do for her. He decided that if it came down to it, he would help them again. He had done a lot of wrong in his life, forced or not. Helping the little guardian is something he could never regret.



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