Ch.23 Deals and Fates

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  He let go. "WeLl, I'm CuRiouS To HeAr WhAt YoU HaVe To SaY." Bill said in anticipation.

  I smirked. I like Bill, but I wasn't going to make this too easy on him. "Well the first thing, you could say this is my second chance at life. What that means, you'll have to figure out. Second, I'm a bit of a fan of yours. I think you being a dream demon with the ability to manipulate the very fabric of reality is pretty cool. And third, you wouldn't happen to have figured out what's been going on in the star alliance yet have you?" I said. Bill went from frustrated at my first fact, to almost embarrassed at the second. When I asked my question for the third, he seemed excited.

  "I'vE BeEn TrYiNg To FiGuRe OuT WhAt'S GoInG On FoR WeEkS! ThEy'Ve BeEn So TiGhT LiPpEd AbOuT It! I KnOw ThEy'Re BuIlDiNg ShIpS, But ThAt'S AbOuT It!" Bill told me in frustration.

  I liked Bill and Killer, and felt bad for the others here. They wouldn't have gotten any warning on what's going on and would die with the rest of the multiverse. I'm not sure if Bill or Nightmare know just how bad the situation is, but I could at least give a little warning. "After finding out that Error committed suicide and destroyed the balance between creation and destruction, we've been preparing to leave the multiverse." I told Bill. He looked at me in confusion, then shock.

  "ErRoR's DeAd?! ShIt! WhY DiDn'T YoU StArT WiTh ThAt?! I May HaVe BrOuGhT DoWn ThE BaRrIeRs BeTwEeN UnIvErSeS, BuT I NeVeR WaNtEd To DeStRoY ThE MuLtIvErSe! I LiVe In It!" Bill said panicking.

  "You do realize after siding with Corruption, that was basically inevitable. His negativity would eventually spread and effect everyone. Including the balance holders. The  multiverse became unstable, and your Weirdmageddon was not really helping. Probably part of the reason Error was pushed to the edge was a lack of ability to feel positivity. I may have been stuck in stone this whole time, but I know Corruption's only real goals are to spread negativity and get more powerful. He doesn't care about anything else. It's part of the reason why I refuse to be his queen. He doesn't truly care about me, it's just an obsession with my negativity and what I represent. Now, with the threat of the universes colliding, we have literally reached the point of no return." I told him. Bill seemed to go deep in thought at my explanation.

I just sat there letting him think about everything. I fiddled with the metal collar on my neck. It was probably what was keeping me from using magic. I cross my legs and lean back on the wall. I'm about to close my eyesockets when I feel movement from my torso. I lift my shirt and dig my hand into my corruption. The moving grew more frantic. I manage to grab on and pull. *Cough* *Cough* I hear as a corruption covered bitty is revealed. It was Strings. I set the poor thing down next to me and go for the other two. After a few moments the Carber and Moon join them. Moon is still in his corrupted form. String looked around and noticed Bill. "WhY'd YoU BrInG Us OuT?! SoMeOnE'S HeRe!" String panicked.

  *Cough* *Cough* " Relax. He already knew we were here. He said you all when they made the deal. Specifying more than just Catcher. Plus, I wouldn't be surprised if he's been watching us when we sneak out for a while." Carber said trying to calm String down.

  "Well, I'm just glad to be out. It's not pleasant being in someone else's corruption and avoiding getting stabbed during torture sessions is not on the list of things I want to do. The shocks and burns are unpleasant enough, even though it's not as bad through the stuff." Moon said.

  "Sorry. Didn't expect to be kidnapped and tortured. I would have left you all behind if I knew I would get in this situation." I tell them.

  "AnD, YoU Be AlL AlOnE! DeFiNiTeLy Not! We MaY NoT Be AbLe To Do MuCh, But We WoUlDn'T LeAvE YoU On YoUr OwN!" String told me.

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