Ch.32 Diverging Paths

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  We all arrived in the lobby. I saw Reapertale Asgore talking to Reapertale Gerson, before he noticed us. He made his way over to us. He stopped in front of Life and spoke nervously, "Hello Toriel, how are your preparation for the evaluations going?" He asked. Life crossed her arms in irritation.

  "You know I go by Life. We just finished. We wanted to know the final decision before we headed to the evaluation site." Life told him.

  "Right. Right. It was decided by the majority that we would look for a world that didn't have a Reapertale or a balance. It's safer for us. You should reconsider your decision Life. You and the children should come with us where you belong, instead of being among simple mortals." Asgore said. Life huffed.

  "I already told you that my decision is final. The simple mortals you speak of are practically family to me, so watch what you say. I won't stand for you insulting them. You aren't my king, so I won't hesitate to show you why you shouldn't anger me. Have a good life Asgore. Goodbye." Life told him coldly and started walking away. We followed behind her. Frisk waved goodbye to the king of gods.

  *Whistled* "Damn Life, remind to me never get on your bad side." Reaper said. We all nodded in agreement.

  "So we heading to the site now?" Frisk asked. I could tell they were uncomfortable with what just happened, and trying to change the subject.

  "Ya, we'll shortcut there. Geno will take Flowey and Chara. Blue will take Life and Frisk. I'll take Catcher, the bitties, and.... the Ferby." Reaper said.

  "What about Fresh? Are we meeting him there?" I asked. Geno nodded.

  "Ya, I got a call from him earlier saying he was just taking care of a few more Aus before he would meet us there. He should be there by now." Geno said.

  Everyone partners up for the shortcut. I covered myself in my corruption, as the bitties hide in my torso. Furby #149 was secure in my arms. Reaper lifts me into his arms and holds me tight. Then we were in the darkness. I heard shrieks and howling. The place was full of true despair and hopelessness. Something tried to grab me from Reaper, but the death god quickly swiped his scythe before we were out. I let out a shaky breath. "I won't miss that when we leave." Reaper stated.

  I looked around to see we're in a completely white place. There were strange looking, shuttle-like ships dotting the area. A few monsters were walking around carrying crates and taking them into the ships. Reaper floats with me still in his arms to the others. We were in front of a shuttle that was shaped in a pentagon prism. The back was currently opened, with the inside revealed to be much larger than the outside. I could see crates tied down to the side of the entrance. "What are the other crates for?" I asked Reaper.

  "That's our share of supplies from the alliance. It's mostly food and medical supplies. We wanted to pick up anything else we might need." Reaper explained. I noticed Fresh walking over to us.

  "Yo, my fresh bruhs and brosephs! How ya holdin' up?" Fresh asked.

  "Pretty good. Here are your set of supplies." Geno said, pulling out a few bags and bins for him. Fresh nods.

  "Thanks my radical broski! Appreciate it!" Fresh said. He put it all in his inventory.

  "So how are things going in the multiverse?" Life asked. Fresh tensed up, and his shades went blank.

  "Not good. I was able to give everyone a few days to leave, but thing is universes are already collapsing. I met Ink while he was creating a Fell universe. I tried to convince him to stop, but the dude was off his paints and didn't care. Ended up running me off." Fresh explained seriously. Just then, I could hear distant screaming.

  We looked toward where it was coming from to see a large group of monsters attacking and destroying ships with blasters. "Funk! They're attacking the Omega Timeline!" Reaper exclaimed. Core appeared next to us.

  "Get out of here, we don't have much time! Nightmare is corrupting the code in the Omega Timeline! I'll stay and hold them off with some of the others!" Core exclaimed.


  "It looks like things didn't work out like we hoped. Good luck everyone. Tell Error I hope he's able to find happiness." Core said, before disappearing.

  Everyone starts to get on the shuttle. Before Reaper and I could enter, black tendrils wrapped around us. "REAPER! CATCHER!" Geno screamed. I saw that Corruption had us trapped.

  Reaper pulls of his scythe and slices them off. I fall to the ground and drop #149 in the process. I look up to see a pissed off Corruption fight Reaper. Corruption wasn't looking so good though. His goop was running off of him onto the ground. He was moving sluggishly. He was still holding his own against the death god though. I notice the blank sky and ground are breaking. Large cracks let us see into the VOID. They were only getting larger by the second. It was total chaos. I summon my magic bow and try to take shots of positivity at corruption to help distract him. Corruption grunts as one hits him through the leg. Reaper uses that to start flying back toward the shuttle. I picked up #149 and headed toward it as well.

  Then, the ground breaks beneath me. I hear my family's cries as I fall.  I get one final glimpse of them, before I feel myself falling. I scream as I feel the VOID's touch. It was starting to pulling me apart. I quickly place Ferby #149 in my inventory as I continue to fall. After what felt like eternity, but could have been seconds, I fell unconscious.


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