Ch.28 Karma At Its Finest

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  I flicked my finger at the screen, then crossed my arms behind my head. The system started recording. I watched as Bill and Corruption were viciously attacked by my aquatic mirror creatures. I may or may not have increased the security level for how difficult it is to get through. So now they couldn't use any high level dream magic to fight them and more creatures will attack them. And, there comes the kraken. I giggled as I watched Corruption try to get out of its swinging tentacles, while still being attacked by parana. Bill was being chased by a megalodon. With a single thought, I had it start leading Bill deeper into the dreamscape, though I made sure to send a few sharks to join in the chase. Have to make it seem like they were trying to stop him. And.... he got eaten. This is funnier than watching him on the Gravity Falls show.

  I watched as Corruption continued to struggle, and Bill finally made it passed the ocean into my dreamscape. I watch as he fell onto the ground in a wet heap. He then layed on his back trying to catch his nonexistent breath. *GrOaN* "FuCk, CaTcHeR! YoU TrYiNg To KiLl Me!?!?" Bill exclaimed, done with life. He then got up and went to the pile of blankets and pillows to look for me.

  After a moment of searching, he realized I was not there. He then looked around the area to see if I was hiding anywhere else. After a few minutes he realized I wasn't over there. He looked to the maze. "FuCk Me, You'Re In ThE MaZe ArEn'T YoU. GoOpy IsN't GoInG To LiKe ThIs AnD I DoN't WaNt To SeE WhAt KiNd Of DeFeNsEs YoU PuT In ThErE, If YoU OcEaN Is AnY InDiCaToR Of ThE KiNd Of DeFeNsEs YoU WoUlD MaKe. " Bill said to himself. Then Corruption fell onto the ground near him.

  "Deities damn it! She increased the security level! When I get my hands on her she's going to regret messing with me!" Corruption stated angrily.

  "We ShOuLd Be MoRe CoNcErNeD AbOuT OuRsElVeS. ShE's In ThE MaZe." Bill told him. Corruption groaned.

  "Fantastic! We'll have to deal with an ever changing maze with all its traps and construct to guard it." Corruption said irritated.

  "ShOuLdN't YoU KnOw HoW To GeT ThRoUgH?" Bill asked.

  "I only know some of it. Dream was the one who did most of the work. Their ability to manipulate the dreamscape surpasses my own. Still anything they do to me here wouldn't have any permanent effects, since they're too soft to go so far." Corruption admitted begrudgingly. I smirked at the fact he was still underestimating me.

  Bill seemed almost relieved. Oh, poor Bill. He's going to learn that while I wouldn't want to permanently hurt someone, the dreamscape is another thing altogether. There's other ways for me to stop someone besides killing them. I watched as the two dream beings started to head to the entrance of the maze. Corruption headed inside, while Bill hesitated for a moment before following. Once they are out of view of the entrance it closed. Looks like the game had begun.

  I flicked my finger to the screen for an inside view of the maze. I watched as Corruption and Bill were wandering around. They made their way through a few of the easier traps I set up without issue. Though as they make their way deeper, they would get harder. Alright, it was time to crank things up. I released the first level of constructs. The bushes of the maze started to shiver near them. "WhAt ThE HeLl Is ThAt?" Bill asked nervously. Before Corruption could say anything they attacked.

  Facehuggers flung themselves from the bushes at the two of them. Corruption materialized his tendrils to fight them off and Bill started swinging his cane. The Facehuggers just kept coming though. "HoW ThE HeLl ArE ThErE FaCeHuGgErS HeRe!?!? ThEy DoN't EvEn ExIsT In OuR ReAlItY!!!" Bill exclaimed as he began to run. Corruption quickly followed after him.

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